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Burges, MalichaHyde (1); 29 acres, 1786
Burges, P. T.Camden (1); 216 acres, 1892
Burges, VandryBurke (1); 91 acres, 1820
Burges, WilliamRutherford (1), Camden (1); total 2 grants and 253 acres, 1785-1803
Burgess StreetCumberland (1); 2 acres, 1902
Burgess, AbsalomDavidson TN (1); 1000 acres, 1786
Burgess, AkillWake (1); 200 acres, 1782
Burgess, Alfred M.Currituck (1); 122 acres, 1838
Burgess, BrinkleyAshe (6); 523 acres, 1840-1850
Burgess, C. B.Camden (1); 275 acres, 1908
Burgess, EdmundAshe (1); 25 acres, 1846
Burgess, ElizaHyde (1); 10 acres, 1893
Burgess, G. W.Wilkes (1); 1 acres, 1921
Burgess, GaitherDavie (1); 120 acres, 1855
Burgess, GeorgeCraven (2); 580 acres, 1746
Burgess, HughAshe (2); 50 acres, 1842
Burgess, J. B.Jackson (1), Chatham (1); total 2 grants and 916 acres, 1879-1898
Burgess, J. E.Camden (1); 120 acres, 1897
Burgess, J. P.Rutherford (1); 10 acres, 1870
Burgess, JamesTransylvania (1); 430 acres, 1898
Burgess, James B.Transylvania (1); 430 acres, 1898
Burgess, JanusWilkes (1); 90 acres, 1850
Burgess, JohnPasquotank (1), Hyde (1); total 2 grants and 320 acres, 1748-1893
Burgess, John S.Camden (1); 62 acres, 1852
Burgess, JosiasRowan (1); 172 acres, 1789
Burgess, L. E.Transylvania (2); 706 acres, 1895-1896
Burgess, LovettHalifax (1); 295 acres, 1783
Burgess, P. T.Camden (1); 300 acres
Burgess, PenelopyHalifax (1); 57 acres, 1782
Burgess, PhillipDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1786
Burgess, ReubenWilkes (1); 28 acres, 1850
Burgess, ThomasWake (1), Halifax (1); total 2 grants and 185 acres, 1783-1799
Burgess, TimothyCaswell (1); 550 acres, 1779
Burgess, W. W.Camden (5); 797 acres, 1897-1901
Burgess, Walter M.Camden (1); 99 acres, 1901
Burgess, WarrenDare (1); 35 acres, 1876
Burgess, WilliamSumner TN (7), Pasquotank (1); total 8 grants and 3005 acres, 1755-1793
Burgh, JohnCraven (1); 90 acres, 1782
Burgier, ThomasSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Burgin CoveBurke (1); 100 acres, 1838
Burgin, A. B.McDowell (3); 165 acres, 1889-1907
Burgin, AbneyBurke (1); 200 acres, 1817
Burgin, AlneyBurke (2), McDowell (1); total 3 grants and 992 acres, 1832-1853
Burgin, Alney, Jr.McDowell (1), Burke (1); total 2 grants and 740 acres, 1843-1862
Burgin, Alney, Sr.McDowell (6), Burke (1); total 7 grants and 400 acres, 1840-1863
Burgin, AugustusMcDowell (1); 3 acres, 1895
Burgin, B.McDowell (1); 5 acres, 1879
Burgin, B. L.McDowell (1); 100 acres, 1864
Burgin, BenjaminBurke (7), McDowell (1); total 8 grants and 437 acres, 1792-1864
Burgin, Benjamin, Jr.Burke (2); 150 acres, 1813-1820
Burgin, Benjamin, Sr.Burke (2); 150 acres, 1802-1809
Burgin, C. C.McDowell (1); 7 acres, 1922
Burgin, Charles H.McDowell (1); 100 acres, 1846
Burgin, E. T.McDowell (1); 7 acres, 1922
Burgin, HillNew Hanover (1); 110 acres, 1898
Burgin, JamesBurke (4); 250 acres, 1826-1828
Burgin, James L.McDowell (2); 150 acres, 1851-1861
Burgin, JesseBurke (2); 200 acres, 1818-1831
Burgin, Jesse L.McDowell (1); 50 acres, 1863
Burgin, Jesse, Jr.McDowell (4); 120 acres, 1848-1854
Burgin, Jesse, Sr.Burke (1); 50 acres, 1843
Burgin, JohnBurke (11), Buncombe (1); total 12 grants and 850 acres, 1798-1843
Burgin, John C.McDowell (1); 31 acres, 1863
Burgin, John, Sr.Burke (1); 50 acres, 1828
Burgin, Joseph B.McDowell (1), Burke (1); total 2 grants and 150 acres, 1844-1846
Burgin, Josiah B.McDowell (3); 250 acres, 1848-1860
Burgin, MerretMcDowell (1), Burke (1); total 2 grants and 112 acres, 1806-1851
Burgin, MerritBurke (5); 278 acres, 1817-1825
Burgin, MerrittBurke (9), McDowell (1); total 10 grants and 724 acres, 1812-1846
Burgin, NelsonGraham (3); 365 acres
Burgin, Nelson, and Co.Graham (1); 103 acres
Burgin, R. C.McDowell (1), Yancey (1); total 2 grants and 62 acres, 1846-1855
Burgin, R. H.McDowell (1); 21 acres, 1892
Burgin, R. M.McDowell (1); 5 acres, 1879
Burgin, Robert C.McDowell (1); 100 acres, 1846
Burgin, William McD.Yancey (1); 231 acres, 1905
Burgins BranchBurke (2); 150 acres, 1836
Burgis FamilyYancey (1); 100 acres, 1854
Burgis, JohnChatham (1); 100 acres, 1794
Burgiss, ThomasSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Burgner, JohnBurke (1); 640 acres, 1833
Burgwin, C. S.McDowell (1); 33 acres, 1877
Burham, IsaacSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Burk, CharlesDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1787
Burk, EdithBladen (1); 640 acres, 1793
Burk, EdwardRowan (3), Onslow (1), Edgecombe (1); total 5 grants and 1530 acres, 1749-1792
Burk, HenrySurry (1); 200 acres, 1787
Burk, J. GreenLincoln (1); 50 acres, 1835
Burk, JamesWarren (1); 108 acres, 1779
Burk, James, Jr.Caswell (1); 70 acres, 1797
Burk, JohnNorthampton (1), Montgomery (1), Sullivan TN (1), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 5 grants and 1025 acres, 1749-1801
Burk, MeridithDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1789
Burk, NicholasNorthampton (2); 977 acres, 1752-1760
Burk, PatrickLincoln (2); 98 acres, 1802
Burk, SamSurry (1); 150 acres
Burk, ThomasDobbs (2), Randolph (1); total 3 grants and 1212 acres, 1775-1790
Burk, WilliamSullivan TN (2), Northampton (1), Eastern District TN (1); total 4 grants and 1184 acres, 1752-1788
BurkeBuncombe (1); 150 acres, 1798
Burke Co. (tenn.)Eastern District TN (1); 200 acres, 1795
Burke CountyMcDowell (12), Wilkes (6), Buncombe (3), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 23 grants and 9625 acres, 1784-1889
Burke, Aaron G.Chatham (1); 5 acres, 1848
Burke, ElishaChowan (1); 38 acres, 1887
Burke, J. C.Bladen (1); 21 acres, 1897
Burke, J. E.Wilkes (1); 22 acres, 1915
Burke, JamesBurke (1); 200 acres, 1782
Burke, JohnMontgomery (2), Burke (1); total 3 grants and 500 acres, 1800-1802
Burke, MichaelOrange (1); 200 acres, 1786
Burke, MillinerChatham (1); 200 acres, 1787
Burke, ThomasDobbs (4); 872 acres, 1775-1778
Burke, WilliamSullivan TN (2); 1280 acres, 1788
Burke, William P.Alexander (1); 24 acres, 1859
Burkes Mill MarshDobbs (1); 100 acres, 1778
Burkes, ChristianAshe (1); 18 acres, 1845
Burket, ChristianAshe (12), Wilkes (1); total 13 grants and 1466 acres, 1798-1849
Burket, DavidAshe (1); 4 acres, 1854
Burket, George P.Ashe (1); 10 acres, 1871
Burket, JohnRowan (1); 84 acres, 1795
Burket, JosephAshe (1); 100 acres, 1801
Burkets, DavidAshe (1); 50 acres, 1853
Burkett, CatherineAshe (1); 4 acres, 1854
Burkett, DanielAshe (1); 19 acres, 1876
Burkett, JamesAshe (1); 6 acres, 1885
Burkett, JohnRowan (1); 9 acres, 1805
Burkfield, AbullaBurke (1); 150 acres, 1794
Burkhart, EliazerRowan (1); 200 acres
Burkhart, JohnRowan (2); 331 acres, 1787-1821
Burkhead, ChristianAshe (1); 30 acres, 1802
Burkhead, J. W.Randolph (1); 13 acres, 1926
Burkhead, WilliamDavidson (1); 12 acres, 1853
Burkheart, DanielRowan (1); 400 acres, 1783
Burkins, JohnDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1794
Burkit, ChristianAshe (1); 200 acres, 1804
Burkitt, AnnHertford (1); 16 acres, 1780
Burkitt, ChristopherAshe (1); 50 acres, 1800
Burkley, SamuelRowan (1); 500 acres, 1783
Burks, Charles D.Cumberland (1); 30 acres, 1852
Burks, WilliamHawkins TN (2), Sullivan TN (1); total 3 grants and 982 acres, 1793-1794
Burkson, JamesRutherford (1); 100 acres, 1795
Burkson, SimeonBurke (1); 100 acres, 1828
Burl, William R.Henderson (1); 84 acres, 1871
Burlain, JohnBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1794
Burlason, IsaacMontgomery (1); 100 acres, 1797
Burleson ForkTryon (1), Mecklenburg (1); total 2 grants and 260 acres, 1771
Burleson, AaronWashington TN (3), Cumberland (2), Yancey (2), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 9 grants and 1535 acres, 1763-1853
Burleson, Aaron, Jr.Washington TN (1); 100 acres, 1783
Burleson, FrederickYancey (1); 50 acres, 1845
Burleson, GreenYancey (1); 3 acres, 1918
Burleson, HowellStanly (1); 86 acres, 1880
Burleson, IsaacMontgomery (2); 60 acres, 1810
Burleson, J. E.Mitchell (2); 16 acres, 1902-1912
Burleson, JamesBurke (1); 50 acres, 1810
Burleson, JohnathanMecklenburg (1); 34 acres, 1836
Burleson, R. M.Mitchell (1); 15 acres, 1908
Burleson, SimeonBurke (4); 400 acres, 1833-1835
Burleson, SimionYancey (1); 50 acres, 1840
Burleson, SimonBurke (1); 100 acres, 1833
Burleson, T. F.Mitchell (1); 25 acres, 1886
Burleson, WilliamStanly (1); 86 acres, 1880
Burlesow, AaronYancey (1); 43 acres, 1840
Burlestones ForkTryon (1); 200 acres, 1769
Burley, JohnDobbs (2); 400 acres, 1779-1783
Burleys SwampPitt (1); 58 acres, 1800
Burleyson, IsaacMontgomery (1); 100 acres, 1817
Burleyson, JosephMontgomery (1); 50 acres
Burleyson, WilliamStanly (1); 27 acres, 1882
Burlingame, W. A.Transylvania (1); 2 acres, 1900
Burlingson, HowellStanly (1); 4 acres, 1880
Burlinson, IsaacBuncombe (1); 150 acres, 1797
Burlinson, ThomasBurke (1); 100 acres, 1832
Burlinsons ForkMecklenburg (2); 350 acres, 1767
Burlisms BranchMecklenburg (1); 200 acres, 1767
Burlison, AaronMecklenburg (1); 100 acres, 1767
Burlison, AronBurke (1); 100 acres, 1831
Burlison, EdwardBuncombe (3); 200 acres, 1814-1836
Burlison, IsaacBuncombe (3); 350 acres, 1797-1836
Burlison, JohnBurke (1); 200 acres, 1837
Burlison, JonathanMecklenburg (2), Montgomery (1); total 3 grants and 94 acres, 1809-1827
Burlison, SimeonYancey (1); 100 acres, 1840
Burlison, ThomasRutherford (1); 200 acres, 1790
Burlisons ForkTryon (6), Mecklenburg (3); total 9 grants and 1570 acres, 1767-1771
Burlnes, ThomasStokes (1); 125 acres, 1795
Burlson, JohnYancey (1); 100 acres, 1845
Burlton, PleasantDavidson (1); 51 acres, 1854
Burlyson, DavidAnson (2); 170 acres, 1783
Burman, JohnOnslow (1); 100 acres, 1774
Burmingham, ClementAnson (1); 9 acres, 1836
Burn, AndrewTennessee TN (1); 640 acres, 1790
Burn, ArchibaldTennessee TN (1); 640 acres, 1790
Burn, DavidWilkes (1); 230 acres, 1782
Burn, FrederickWayne (5); 262 acres, 1802-1825
Burn, HenryNorthampton (1); 375 acres, 1782
Burn, JohnSurry (1), Bertie (1); total 2 grants and 136 acres, 1787-1803
Burn, LevyBertie (1); 40 acres
Burn, SampsonHalifax (1); 525 acres, 1761
Burn, WilliamNorthampton (1); 640 acres, 1744
Burnap, AbrahamOnslow (1); 50 acres, 1807
Burnap, AbsolomOnslow (1); 100 acres, 1780
Burnap, EbenezerOnslow (4); 275 acres, 1825-1827
Burnap, JohnOnslow (5); 1780 acres, 1735
Burnap, SamuelOnslow (1); 41 acres, 1782
Burnap, SolomonOnslow (1); 100 acres, 1780
Burnaph, EbenezerOnslow (1); 130 acres, 1816
Burnas, EbenezerOnslow (3); 264 acres, 1812-1816
Burnas, IsaacOnslow (3); 450 acres, 1754-1768
Burnas, JohnOnslow (1); 100 acres, 1811
Burne, OwenNorthampton (1); 375 acres, 1782
Burnell, AsaMontgomery (1); 50 acres, 1856
Burnell, GeorgeMacon (1); 100 acres, 1855
Burnes, BriceOnslow (1); 30 acres, 1836
Burnes, Jacob, Sr.Lincoln (1); 51 acres, 1839
Burnes, JamesWayne (1); 100 acres, 1821
Burnes, JohnChatham (1); 640 acres, 1780
Burnes, SampsonMontgomery (1); 150 acres, 1795
Burnes, WilliamMecklenburg (1); 150 acres, 1766
Burness, M. C.Jackson (1); 100 acres, 1853
Burness, U.Jackson (1); 100 acres, 1853
Burnet, BerryBuncombe (1); 100 acres, 1815
Burnet, CharlesAnson (1); 535 acres, 1752
Burnet, ClaybernRutherford (2); 60 acres, 1798-1799
Burnet, DanielJones (1); 44 acres, 1784
Burnet, EldridgeBuncombe (4); 200 acres, 1818-1832
Burnet, HumphreyCraven (1); 200 acres, 1742
Burnet, JamesMacon (2); 22 acres, 1862
Burnet, JesseCumberland (2); 240 acres, 1840
Burnet, JosephOrange (1); 442 acres, 1779
Burnet, R. B.New Hanover (1); 35 acres, 1847
Burnet, SamuelAnson (2); 752 acres, 1754
Burnet, SandyOrange (1); 100 acres, 1810
Burnet, Swan L.Buncombe (1); 100 acres, 1815
Burnet, SwanneBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1812
Burnet, ThomasRutherford (1); 150 acres, 1794
Burnet, Thomas, Sr.Craven (2); 700 acres, 1741
Burnet, WilliamBurke (1); 50 acres, 1837
Burnett CreekBuncombe (1); 17 acres, 1830
Burnett RidgeMitchell (1); 60 acres, 1888
Burnett, AlexanderOnslow (2); 518 acres, 1763
Burnett, Barry, Jr.Burke (1); 52 acres, 1842
Burnett, Barry, Sr.Burke (1); 52 acres, 1842
Burnett, BerryBurke (1); 109 acres, 1812
Burnett, BryanLenoir (1); 178 acres, 1837
Burnett, C.Yancey (1); 66 acres, 1888
Burnett, C. E.McDowell (1); 7 acres, 1873
Burnett, CharlesAnson (1); 512 acres, 1752
Burnett, ClaiburnRutherford (1); 40 acres, 1798
Burnett, DavidRutherford (1); 135 acres, 1834
Burnett, EldridgeBuncombe (1); 15 acres, 1832
Burnett, EldrigeBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1843
Burnett, ElizabethBuncombe (1); 100 acres, 1832
Burnett, FrederickBuncombe (1); 100 acres, 1816
Burnett, Frederick, Jr.Buncombe (4); 200 acres, 1828
Burnett, H. C.Macon (1); 110 acres, 1860
Burnett, H. T.Jackson (1); 9 acres, 1882
Burnett, HenryMacon (2), Jackson (1), Tennessee TN (1); total 4 grants and 1480 acres, 1796-1863
Burnett, J. H., Jr.Macon (1); 7 acres, 1898
Burnett, J. P.Cherokee (1); 52 acres, 1872
Burnett, J. W.Swain (1); 10 acres, 1893
Burnett, JamesMartin (1), Macon (1); total 2 grants and 200 acres, 1784-1863
Burnett, James H.Macon (1); 48 acres, 1899
Burnett, JaneMacon (2); 250 acres, 1875-1883
Burnett, JesseRutherford (1), Buncombe (1); total 2 grants and 217 acres, 1798-1830
Burnett, JohnMartin (3), Rowan (2), Swain (1), plus 3 grants in 3 other counties; total 9 grants and 1476 acres, 1751-1895
Burnett, JosephRutherford (3), Tryon (1); total 4 grants and 550 acres, 1780-1792
Burnett, LeavinNew Hanover (1); 100 acres
Burnett, Levan P.McDowell (1); 40 acres, 1850
Burnett, LewisCherokee (1); 83 acres, 1852
Burnett, LouisRutherford (1); 100 acres, 1801
Burnett, LukeGuilford (1); 320 acres, 1782
Burnett, MaryJackson (1); 9 acres, 1882
Burnett, MatthewEdgecombe (1); 90 acres, 1757
Burnett, MosesMoore (1); 50 acres, 1820
Burnett, N. G.Macon (1); 42 acres, 1886
Burnett, P. M.Mecklenburg (1); 15 acres, 1869
Burnett, PhilipMcDowell (1); 50 acres, 1863
Burnett, PhillipYancey (1); 90 acres, 1875
Burnett, SamuelOnslow (2), Anson (1); total 3 grants and 1312 acres, 1752-1768
Burnett, SolomonOnslow (1); 191 acres, 1793
Burnett, SpencerBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1832
Burnett, Swan P.McDowell (2), Burke (1); total 3 grants and 154 acres, 1840-1855
Burnett, ThomasTryon (2), Wake (1); total 3 grants and 250 acres, 1783-1799
Burnett, WilliamBuncombe (1); 50 acres
Burnetts CreekOnslow (1), Macon (1); total 2 grants and 519 acres, 1775-1880
Burney MountainBuncombe (3); 250 acres, 1849-1851
Burney, AbelBladen (7); 659 acres, 1802-1813
Burney, ArthurBladen (1); 36 acres, 1795
Burney, C. J.Columbus (1); 13 acres, 1890
Burney, CharlesGuilford (1); 640 acres, 1783
Burney, ElzevanMontgomery (1); 100 acres, 1842
Burney, J. G.Columbus (1); 8 acres, 1890
Burney, JamesBladen (4), Columbus (1), Brunswick (1); total 6 grants and 952 acres, 1800-1827
Burney, JohnOrange (2), Beaufort (1), Guilford (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 5 grants and 2427 acres, 1738-1778
Burney, John H.Brunswick (5); 1577 acres, 1847
Burney, JosephCraven (1); 92 acres, 1819
Burney, Martha M.Montgomery (1); 100 acres, 1842
Burney, Mary I.Montgomery (1); 100 acres, 1842
Burney, RobertCraven (1); 285 acres, 1767
Burney, SarahBladen (1); 41 acres, 1830
Burney, SimonBeaufort (5), Bladen (5), Pitt (2); total 12 grants and 2300 acres, 1741-1805
Burney, Simon, Jr.Robeson (1); 25 acres, 1832
Burney, WilliamBladen (13), Montgomery (4), Randolph (3), plus 5 grants in 5 other counties; total 25 grants and 6303 acres, 1745-1854
Burney, William, Jr.Bladen (2); 150 acres, 1769-1770
Burney, William, L.Montgomery (1); 100 acres, 1842
Burney, William, Sr.Columbus (2); 200 acres, 1848
Burneys Branch (tenn.)Greene TN (1); 200 acres, 1794
Burneys PocosinBladen (2); 250 acres, 1787-1791
Burnham, GabrielCamden (1); 82 acres, 1784
Burnham, IsaacSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Burnie, DanielBladen (1); 200 acres, 1795
Burnill, EvansRutherford (1); 30 acres, 1835
Burningham, CharlesAnson (2); 110 acres, 1819
Burningham, Charles, Sr.Anson (1); 80 acres, 1819
Burningham, JoshuaAnson (1); 80 acres, 1822
Burningham, W. F.Anson (1); 2 acres, 1876
Burnington, GeorgeBath (6); 15000 acres, 1730
Burningtown CreekMacon (216); 35477 acres, 1836-1921
Burningtown TownshipMacon (27); 18778 acres, 1907-1920
Burnis MountainHenderson (1); 33 acres, 1881
Burns BranchWayne (3), Stokes (1), Johnston (1); total 5 grants and 302 acres, 1749-1825
Burns CreekHenderson (3), Buncombe (1); total 4 grants and 46 acres, 1848-1890
Burns MountainMitchell (2); 53 acres, 1873-1894
Burns, Andrew, Sr.Bertie (1); 200 acres, 1785
Burns, AnthonyRichmond (1); 50 acres
Burns, AquillaBurke (1); 300 acres, 1784
Burns, BarnabasDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Burns, Bartholomew, Jr.New Hanover (1); 100 acres, 1780
Burns, BriceOnslow (1); 200 acres, 1823
Burns, ConradBurke (1); 50 acres, 1808
Burns, ConradeBurke (1); 100 acres, 1818
Burns, ConrodBurke (1); 300 acres, 1782
Burns, DanielBurke (2); 125 acres, 1835-1845
Burns, DexterOnslow (1); 640 acres
Burns, EliBurke (1); 50 acres, 1847
Burns, ElizabethOnslow (1); 25 acres, 1800
Burns, FrancisOnslow (7); 630 acres, 1766-1812
Burns, FrederickOnslow (3); 270 acres, 1782-1791
Burns, H. H.Cherokee (1); 100 acres
Burns, HezekiahHaywood (1); 100 acres
Burns, HoseaCatawba (1); 0 acres, 1882
Burns, IshamTennessee TN (1); 640 acres, 1789
Burns, JacobLincoln (4), Catawba (1); total 5 grants and 64 acres, 1816-1845
Burns, JamesOnslow (4), Cabarrus (4), Tennessee TN (2), plus 2 grants in 1 other county; total 12 grants and 2316 acres, 1746-1808
Burns, James, Sr.Onslow (1); 100 acres, 1784
Burns, JohnChatham (7), Rockingham (2), Rutherford (1), plus 9 grants in 9 other counties; total 19 grants and 5682 acres, 1760-1860
Burns, Julius W.Anson (2); 10 acres, 1856
Burns, LarryNew Hanover (1); 100 acres, 1780
Burns, LeviRutherford (1); 28 acres, 1836
Burns, M. C.Jackson (3); 250 acres, 1853-1861
Burns, MargaretMecklenburg (1); 55 acres, 1787
Burns, MartinBurke (1); 21 acres, 1884
Burns, NicholasBurke (3); 200 acres, 1795-1822
Burns, OtwayOnslow (3); 500 acres, 1775-1801
Burns, PeterMecklenburg (1); 100 acres, 1783
Burns, PhilipBurke (2); 185 acres, 1780-1792
Burns, R. E., Mrs.Polk (1); 22 acres, 1912
Burns, RobertMecklenburg (1); 242 acres, 1779
Burns, RubenTyrrell (1); 100 acres, 1796
Burns, SampsonMontgomery (2); 300 acres, 1795
Burns, SamuelAshe (1); 130 acres, 1802
Burns, SolomonOnslow (1); 7 acres, 1854
Burns, StarratOnslow (1); 50 acres, 1782
Burns, StarrottOnslow (1); 150 acres, 1782
Burns, ThomasNew Hanover (2), Chatham (1); total 3 grants and 689 acres, 1738-1802
Burns, U. C.Jackson (2); 200 acres, 1856-1863
Burns, UriahJackson (2), Macon (1), Haywood (1); total 4 grants and 361 acres, 1846-1853
Burns, WalterAnson (1); 5 acres, 1827
Burns, WilliamAnson (2), Stokes (1), Orange (1), plus 3 grants in 3 other counties; total 7 grants and 1413 acres, 1766-1853
Burns, William H.Chatham (1); 10 acres, 1878
Burnside, JamesCumberland (4); 450 acres, 1784-1789
Burnside, RobertOrange (2); 450 acres, 1779-1789
Burnside, ThomasCumberland (2), Bladen (2); total 4 grants and 1280 acres, 1765-1766
Burnside, WalterOrange (2); 205 acres, 1779
Burnsides, AsaSurry (2); 196 acres, 1802-1818
Burnsides, DavidDavidson TN (1); 360 acres, 1793
Burnsides, JamesSurry (2); 690 acres, 1790-1802
BurnsvilleYancey (1); 50 acres, 1841
Burnt BayRobeson (2), Bladen (1); total 3 grants and 256 acres, 1791-1846
Burnt Cabin BranchAshe (1), Buncombe (1); total 2 grants and 150 acres, 1833
Burnt Cabin Branch (tenn.)Greene TN (3); 591 acres, 1786-1787
Burnt Camp BranchMacon (1); 70 acres, 1839
Burnt Coat BranchDuplin (37), New Hanover (6); total 43 grants and 6421 acres, 1741-1885
Burnt Coat SwampEdgecombe (12), Halifax (1), Duplin (1); total 14 grants and 5364 acres, 1738-1784
Burnt Coat SwawpEdgecombe (1); 300 acres, 1738
Burnt DismalSampson (1); 74 acres, 1867
Burnt ForkBuncombe (1); 50 acres
Burnt Horse BranchOnslow (1); 169 acres, 1793
Burnt House BranchAnson (1); 50 acres, 1831
Burnt IslandBladen (2), Pitt (1); total 3 grants and 500 acres, 1773-1788
Burnt IslandsRobeson (10); 900 acres, 1788-1797
Burnt KnobAshe (13); 1028 acres, 1801-1880
Burnt MarshBladen (6), Johnston (3), Craven (2); total 11 grants and 1198 acres, 1738-1839
Burnt MountainYancey (1); 21 acres, 1881
Burnt MoutainTransylvania (1), Yancey (1); total 2 grants and 124 acres, 1854-1926
Burnt NeckPitt (1); 100 acres, 1784
Burnt PocosinGates (1), Chowan (1); total 2 grants and 442 acres, 1784-1882
Burnt PocosonPitt (2); 350 acres, 1774-1805
Burnt PondDuplin (1), Bladen (1); total 2 grants and 250 acres, 1780-1789
Burnt Reed BranchRobeson (2), Bladen (1); total 3 grants and 700 acres, 1779-1794
Burnt Stocking BranchJohnston (12); 1840 acres, 1782-1817
Burnt Stocking SwampJohnston (1); 250 acres, 1782
Burnt SwampRobeson (29), Bladen (5), Wayne (3), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 39 grants and 3800 acres, 1774-1882
Burnt Swamp TownshipRobeson (1); 73 acres, 1888
Burnum, IsaacDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1797
Burr, JacobAnson (1); 100 acres, 1846
Burrage, EdmondRowan (1); 20 acres
Burrap, JohnSurry (1); 50 acres, 1799
Burras, JohnOnslow (1); 640 acres, 1735
Burrases IslandCurrituck (1); 144 acres, 1782
Burrass, JohnOnslow (1); 640 acres, 1735
Burrelason, EdwardBuncombe (1); 100 acres, 1806
Burrell Hill BranchDuplin (1); 150 acres, 1782
Burrell, J. J.Cherokee (2); 170 acres, 1903-1904
Burrell, JesseMacon (1); 72 acres, 1836
Burrell, MarkMacon (2); 150 acres, 1846-1854
Burrell, W. D.Cherokee (1); 100 acres, 1902
Burrell, W. R.Henderson (1); 16 acres, 1887
Burrell, WaltonJackson (1); 120 acres, 1853
Burres, CreekSurry (1); 100 acres, 1848
Burres, SolomonMontgomery (1); 200 acres, 1799
Burress, AllenMontgomery (1); 98 acres
Burress, JoshuaAnson (1), Bertie (1); total 2 grants and 174 acres, 1791-1792
Burrett, R. H.Stokes (1); 28 acres, 1876
Burrill Hile BranchDuplin (1); 100 acres, 1782
Burrill, James S.Henderson (1); 90 acres, 1862
Burris's IslandCurrituck (4); 0 acres, 1870
Burris, J. R.Stanly (1); 6 acres, 1910
Burris, DanielStokes (1); 50 acres, 1809
Burris, Edwin E.New Hanover (1); 75 acres, 1874
Burris, ElijahWashington TN (1); 150 acres, 1803
Burris, G. T.Hyde (1); 2 acres, 1891
Burris, J. T.New Hanover (1); 5 acres, 1858
Burris, J. W.Brunswick (1); 66 acres, 1904
Burris, James T.New Hanover (1); 8 acres, 1857
Burris, JohnSurry (2); 101 acres, 1800-1808
Burris, Joshua, Jr.Anson (1); 100 acres, 1779
Burris, Joshua, Sr.Anson (1); 100 acres, 1779
Burris, L. A.Stanly (2); 9 acres, 1910
Burris, MartinSurry (1); 200 acres, 1787
Burris, MosesStokes (1); 80 acres, 1793
Burris, W. M.Stanly (3); 12 acres, 1910-1912
Burris, WilliamStokes (3), Surry (2); total 5 grants and 1150 acres, 1780-1800
Burriss, James T.New Hanover (1); 100 acres, 1854
Burriss, WilliamSurry (1); 50 acres, 1791
Burros, JohnMontgomery (1); 7 acres, 1846
Burross, DanielSurry (1); 50 acres, 1801
Burrough, BenjaminMartin (1); 200 acres, 1782
Burroughs, A. J.Swain (1); 150 acres, 1888
Burroughs, JamesChatham (1); 100 acres
Burroughs, ReubenOrange (1); 105 acres, 1809
Burrow, BarnabasRandolph (1); 31 acres, 1812
Burrow, BarnabyRandolph (1); 60 acres, 1802
Burrow, Daniel N.Randolph (1); 3 acres, 1891
Burrow, Elijah HendersonRandolph (1); 15 acres, 1853
Burrow, EphraimGuilford (1); 185 acres, 1799
Burrow, FreemanGuilford (1); 32 acres, 1799
Burrow, HendersonRandolph (1); 8 acres, 1855
Burrow, IshmaelGuilford (1); 23 acres, 1799
Burrow, JarreledGuilford (1); 135 acres, 1792
Burrow, PhillipGuilford (1); 50 acres, 1799
Burrows, RobertCurrituck (1); 200 acres, 1740
Burrows, William WardEastern District TN (1); 5000 acres, 1795
Burrows, ZacheusChatham (1); 25 acres, 1842
Burrus CreekSurry (1); 2 acres, 1906
Burrus, C. W.Dare (1); 3 acres
Burrus, J. F.Hyde (1); 1 acres
Burrus, JohnSurry (2); 200 acres, 1798-1809
Burrus, M. L.Dare (1); 2 acres, 1932
Burrus, MartinSurry (1); 50 acres, 1800
Burrus, PhillipBurke (1); 50 acres, 1799
Burrus, ThomasSurry (1); 50 acres
Burruss, CiceroOnslow (1); 15 acres, 1891
Burshabys CreekStokes (1); 96 acres, 1792
Burt, _____Granville (1); 329 acres, 1761
Burt, BenjaminBurke (1); 250 acres, 1782
Burt, JamesCumberland (1); 63 acres, 1814
Burt, JesseHalifax (2); 61 acres, 1814
Burt, JohnCumberland (4), Granville (3), Wake (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 9 grants and 3310 acres, 1753-1789
Burt, JosephHalifax (1); 135 acres, 1780
Burt, RichardEdgecombe (1); 475 acres, 1758
Burt, WilliamAnson (8), Halifax (3), Cumberland (3); total 14 grants and 3844 acres, 1768-1798
Burt, William, Jr.Halifax (1); 407 acres, 1805
Burt, YoungChatham (1); 18 acres, 1801
Burtain, JohnBuncombe (2); 400 acres, 1794
Burtenshall, RichardCurrituck (1); 0 acres, 1696
Burtin, JamesAshe (1); 10 acres, 1828
Burtin, John, Jr.Rowan (1); 120 acres, 1779
Burtin, RichardAnson (2), Cumberland (1); total 3 grants and 450 acres, 1762
Burton, AbsolomRowan (1); 135 acres, 1789
Burton, AlfredLincoln (1); 164 acres
Burton, Alfred M.Lincoln (1); 160 acres, 1830
Burton, AllenAshe (1); 50 acres, 1814
Burton, BurwellAnson (1); 300 acres, 1816
Burton, CharlesCaswell (3), Onslow (1); total 4 grants and 1132 acres, 1787-1799
Burton, CuthbertOrange (2); 65 acres, 1818
Burton, DavidStokes (2), Ashe (1); total 3 grants and 144 acres, 1818-1862
Burton, DempseyCurrituck (1); 60 acres, 1820
Burton, EbenezarChatham (1); 50 acres, 1790
Burton, EdwardIredell (1); 400 acres, 1792
Burton, G. L.Stokes (1); 112 acres, 1877
Burton, HenryLincoln (1), Tennessee TN (1); total 2 grants and 718 acres, 1797-1846
Burton, IsaacRowan (1); 221 acres, 1800
Burton, J. W.Onslow (4); 362 acres, 1914-1915