The Search Room at the State Archives of North Carolina has a large card catalog of land grants. The majority are index cards created when the "shucks" were created, with one index card per shuck. There are some additional drawers which were not entered into the archives database (DOC). These have been digitized for this website. Note that these images are simply the cards as they appear and are not searchable other than the fact they are in alphabetical order.
NO COUNTY GIVEN This collection contains grants that were recorded in the land patent book, but the county was not specified. Many of these were prior to the establishment of counties in North Carolina, but it is possible in some cases to deduce the county based on the geographical description. In other cases the county appears to have been accidentally left off when the patent book was copied, so it also may possibly be deduced. These cards have been indexed and are now included with all the other land grants on this website.
LORD PROPRIETORS GRANTS This collection contains grants made by the Lord Proprietors in the county of Albemarle. These are recorded in patent books 111A-D. These appear to be duplicates of grants recorded in the early patent books.
LORD GRANVILLE GRANTS This collection contains a series of grants made in the Granville district. This information has been entered into the State Archives database and therefore are available on this website.