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Previous 500   Next 500   Showing:   Baker, Beal  -  Bandy, Jesse

Baker, BealBuncombe (1); 150 acres, 1795
Baker, BenjaminRowan (3), Tyrrell (1), Gates (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 6 grants and 60943 acres, 1783-1803
Baker, Benjamin BlakeHertford (1); 503 acres, 1791
Baker, BlakeDobbs (6), Orange (1), Hertford (1), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 10 grants and 3326 acres, 1757-1804
Baker, CharlesRockingham (3), Burke (3), Guilford (2), plus 5 grants in 4 other counties; total 13 grants and 2459 acres, 1778-1846
Baker, ChristianWake (1), Burke (1); total 2 grants and 124 acres, 1779
Baker, ConradStokes (2); 200 acres, 1796-1797
Baker, D. M.Alexander (1); 23 acres, 1887
Baker, DanielCumberland (17), Moore (5), Robeson (1); total 23 grants and 1285 acres, 1789-1858
Baker, Daniel B.New Hanover (1); 2 acres, 1844
Baker, DavidBurke (24), Lincoln (2), Yancey (2), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 29 grants and 4760 acres, 1778-1851
Baker, David D.Burke (2), Yancey (1); total 3 grants and 156 acres, 1828-1846
Baker, DonaldCumberland (2), Moore (1); total 3 grants and 359 acres, 1811-1814
Baker, DugaldCumberland (3); 133 acres, 1819-1841
Baker, DuncanCumberland (2); 200 acres, 1760
Baker, DunkinMoore (1); 50 acres, 1795
Baker, EliarderTennessee TN (1); 640 acres, 1791
Baker, EliasTennessee TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Baker, ElijahMecklenburg (2), Johnston (1), Dobbs (1); total 4 grants and 160 acres, 1788-1822
Baker, ElishaGreene TN (3), Dobbs (1), Craven (1); total 5 grants and 1340 acres, 1779-1793
Baker, ElizabethRowan (1); 250 acres, 1779
Baker, EsaiaWilkes (1); 50 acres, 1799
Baker, EvanDavidson TN (2), Sumner TN (1); total 3 grants and 1920 acres, 1786-1792
Baker, Evans A.Union (2); 20 acres, 1846
Baker, F. J.Stokes (1); 60 acres, 1872
Baker, FrancesAnson (2); 350 acres, 1792-1798
Baker, FrancisSurry (2), Anson (2), Washington TN (2); total 6 grants and 745 acres, 1789-1799
Baker, FrederickDobbs (1); 60 acres, 1790
Baker, G. D.Cumberland (2); 300 acres, 1859
Baker, GabrielBertie (2); 700 acres, 1741
Baker, GeorgeBuncombe (19), New Hanover (2), Rowan (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 23 grants and 3224 acres, 1775-1819
Baker, George, Jr.Mecklenburg (1); 74 acres, 1775
Baker, GoslinAlexander (2); 115 acres, 1855-1856
Baker, GreenberryRowan (1); 148 acres
Baker, H. S.Jackson (1); 274 acres, 1881
Baker, HarrisAshe (1); 2 acres, 1893
Baker, HarrisonWilkes (1); 50 acres, 1864
Baker, HarveyCumberland (1); 100 acres, 1802
Baker, HenryBurke (4), Surry (3), Beaufort (1), plus 4 grants in 4 other counties; total 12 grants and 1853 acres, 1728-1850
Baker, Henry BarlowBurke (1); 100 acres, 1792
Baker, Henry, Jr.Surry (1); 100 acres, 1784
Baker, HezekiahWilkes (1); 144 acres, 1798
Baker, HowellIredell (1); 130 acres, 1800
Baker, IsaacIredell (3), Hawkins TN (2), Eastern District TN (2), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 9 grants and 8165 acres, 1791-1831
Baker, IsabellaMoore (2); 194 acres, 1846-1848
Baker, J. A.Burke (1); 44 acres, 1898
Baker, J. J.Cherokee (2); 193 acres, 1860
Baker, J. W. P.Surry (1); 1 acres, 1923
Baker, JacobAshe (3), Cherokee (2), Lincoln (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 7 grants and 1252 acres, 1787-1853
Baker, Jacob J.Cherokee (5); 751 acres, 1852-1860
Baker, JamesAshe (8), Wilkes (3), Tyrrell (2), plus 12 grants in 11 other counties; total 25 grants and 3992 acres, 1778-1897
Baker, James, Jr.Ashe (1); 25 acres, 1802
Baker, JeremiahAshe (1); 50 acres, 1831
Baker, JesseEdgecombe (2); 643 acres, 1780-1782
Baker, JobRockingham (1); 100 acres, 1788
Baker, JoelDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1791
Baker, JohnMoore (10), Cumberland (10), Sumner TN (10), plus 62 grants in 28 other counties; total 92 grants and 22446 acres, 1739-1856
Baker, John C.Brunswick (1); 100 acres, 1831
Baker, John F.Alexander (1); 46 acres, 1880
Baker, John, Sr.Cabarrus (1); 185 acres, 1810
Baker, JohnathanAshe (1); 50 acres, 1816
Baker, JonathanAshe (9), Bertie (4), Sumner TN (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 15 grants and 2352 acres, 1786-1833
Baker, JosephLincoln (3), Duplin (2), Tennessee TN (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 7 grants and 1710 acres, 1769-1798
Baker, Joseph C.Cherokee (1); 267 acres, 1849
Baker, JoshuaAshe (2), Davidson TN (1); total 3 grants and 108 acres, 1791-1851
Baker, JusticeWilkes (1); 200 acres, 1798
Baker, LabonAshe (1); 50 acres, 1840
Baker, LawranceBertie (1); 310 acres, 1723
Baker, LawrenceGates (3); 287 acres, 1798-1805
Baker, MalcomMoore (5), Robeson (2); total 7 grants and 313 acres, 1793-1831
Baker, MargerettBladen (1); 50 acres, 1782
Baker, MarshallAshe (1); 1 acres, 1892
Baker, MartinMacon (1); 50 acres, 1839
Baker, MaryBladen (3), Ashe (1), Catawba (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 6 grants and 2128 acres, 1799-1870
Baker, Mary E. T.Cumberland (1); 76 acres, 1882
Baker, MaryanHertford (1); 210 acres, 1782
Baker, MicajahAnson (1); 38 acres, 1821
Baker, MichaelAnson (1), Edgecombe (1); total 2 grants and 260 acres, 1761-1816
Baker, Miles N.Cumberland (1); 25 acres, 1840
Baker, MoressAshe (1); 100 acres, 1819
Baker, MorisAshe (1); 50 acres, 1819
Baker, MorrisWilkes (5), Ashe (3); total 8 grants and 539 acres, 1782-1827
Baker, MosesSurry (3); 443 acres, 1789-1792
Baker, Moses, Jr.Surry (1); 150 acres, 1784
Baker, NathanBeaufort (1); 100 acres, 1782
Baker, NathanielIredell (1); 72 acres, 1802
Baker, NeilCumberland (1); 100 acres, 1790
Baker, NeillCumberland (3); 250 acres, 1789-1800
Baker, NicholasSurry (3), Davidson TN (2), Sumner TN (1); total 6 grants and 1414 acres, 1780-1800
Baker, NielCumberland (1); 100 acres, 1774
Baker, ObadiahRowan (1); 200 acres, 1783
Baker, ObedSurry (11); 3910 acres, 1799-1800
Baker, ObediahSumner TN (2), Surry (1), Rowan (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 5 grants and 2580 acres, 1780-1793
Baker, P.Martin (1); 940 acres, 1780
Baker, PeterRowan (1), Lincoln (1), Tennessee TN (1), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 5 grants and 1812 acres, 1784-1803
Baker, PhilipLincoln (1); 16 acres, 1803
Baker, PollyMacon (1), Ashe (1); total 2 grants and 120 acres, 1832-1889
Baker, RandolCumberland (1); 34 acres
Baker, ReasonRowan (1); 250 acres, 1786
Baker, RichardBladen (2), Hertford (1), Middle District TN (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 5 grants and 61606 acres, 1738-1824
Baker, RobertBladen (4), Dobbs (3), Orange (2), plus 5 grants in 4 other counties; total 14 grants and 2518 acres, 1782-1834
Baker, S. G.Wilkes (1); 80 acres, 1880
Baker, SalleyAshe (1); 100 acres, 1838
Baker, SamuelBladen (14), Wilkes (3), Anson (2), plus 8 grants in 6 other counties; total 27 grants and 8014 acres, 1736-1856
Baker, SarahAshe (1), Davidson TN (1); total 2 grants and 374 acres, 1793-1842
Baker, SilvesterStokes (1); 50 acres
Baker, SimonSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Baker, SionRobeson (1); 100 acres, 1795
Baker, SolomonAshe (3), Bladen (1); total 4 grants and 450 acres, 1802
Baker, SylvesterRowan (1); 150 acres, 1783
Baker, TateBurke (1); 2 acres, 1928
Baker, ThomasBertie (5), Duplin (4), Craven (2), plus 8 grants in 5 other counties; total 19 grants and 3219 acres, 1741-1840
Baker, Thomas H.Anson (1); 105 acres
Baker, W. A.Jackson (1); 2 acres, 1883
Baker, W. H.Moore (1); 110 acres, 1874
Baker, WarrenJackson (2); 673 acres, 1861-1890
Baker, WilliamAnson (12), Ashe (4), Gates (4), plus 12 grants in 10 other counties; total 32 grants and 5393 acres, 1712-1876
Baker, William H.Moore (3); 128 acres, 1847-1849
Baker, ZachariahAshe (8); 819 acres, 1802-1850
Baker, ZadockHertford (1); 193 acres, 1792
Baker, ZebadiahWilkes (1); 50 acres, 1819
Baker, ZebediahWilkes (3); 200 acres, 1799-1819
Bakers BranchWilkes (6), Anson (4), Surry (1), plus 4 grants in 4 other counties; total 15 grants and 2378 acres, 1771-1853
Bakers CreekBladen (20), Orange (2); total 22 grants and 2087 acres, 1750-1871
Bakers Creek (tenn.)Greene TN (1), Eastern District TN (1); total 2 grants and 1550 acres, 1791-1794
Bakers LakeBladen (6); 609 acres, 1773-1874
Bakers Mill CreekBurke (1); 100 acres, 1798
Bakers RidgeAshe (11), Wilkes (1); total 12 grants and 888 acres, 1793-1857
Bakers SwampTyrrell (3), Washington (2); total 5 grants and 855 acres, 1788-1806
Bakersville RoadMcDowell (1); 28 acres, 1897
Bakersville TownshipMitchell (4); 26 acres, 1888-1911
Bal-graChowan (1); 3250 acres, 1717
Balam, HomesAnson (1); 400 acres, 1753
Balanga, ElishaTyrrell (1); 100 acres, 1789
Balanger, ElishaTyrrell (9); 843 acres, 1779-1794
Balch, AmosMiddle District TN (3), Greene TN (2); total 5 grants and 9834 acres, 1786-1791
Balch, HezekiahGreene TN (2), Middle District TN (1); total 3 grants and 1400 acres, 1786-1793
Balch, JohnGreene TN (1); 200 acres, 1786
Balch, JosephCraven (2); 296 acres, 1746
Balch, WilliamLincoln (1); 120 acres, 1789
Balconee BranchMoore (3); 177 acres, 1799-1821
Bald BranchBurke (2), Buncombe (2), Yancey (1); total 5 grants and 615 acres, 1792-1844
Bald Creek (tenn.)Sumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Bald ForkBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1807
Bald Head MountainWilkes (1); 100 acres, 1798
Bald KnobAshe (8), Surry (1), Haywood (1); total 10 grants and 875 acres, 1792-1897
Bald MountainBuncombe (6), Macon (5), Rutherford (4), plus 13 grants in 7 other counties; total 28 grants and 4114 acres, 1783-1890
Bald Mountain CreekBuncombe (40), Burke (6), Yancey (2); total 48 grants and 4478 acres, 1792-1836
Bald Mountain ForkYancey (4); 210 acres, 1834-1836
Bald Mountain RidgeRowan (2); 225 acres, 1793-1800
Bald MountainsBuncombe (2), Haywood (1); total 3 grants and 300 acres, 1794-1854
Bald RangeWilkes (2); 200 acres, 1836-1840
Bald RockHenderson (1); 100 acres, 1856
Bald Top MountainHenderson (3), Buncombe (2); total 5 grants and 483 acres, 1800-1880
Bald Valley (tenn.)Eastern District TN (6), Greene TN (2); total 8 grants and 4118 acres, 1787-1789
Balden, JesseHawkins TN (1); 578 acres, 1794
Baldening, M. D.Madison (1); 100 acres, 1855
Balderee, IsaacPitt (1); 100 acres, 1782
Balderee, WilliamPitt (1); 97 acres, 1782
Baldhead SwampEdgecombe (1); 450 acres, 1782
Baldhill BayCarteret (1); 50 acres, 1811
Baldime, Henry W.Watauga (1); 34 acres, 1882
Baldin, JesseRichmond (1); 10 acres, 1793
Baldin, NobleBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1803
Baldin, SamuelJohnston (1); 70 acres, 1793
Balding, AlexanderMadison (2); 150 acres, 1856-1857
Balding, F. A.Madison (1); 100 acres, 1856
Balding, JohnBladen (2); 200 acres, 1757
Balding, M. D.Madison (1); 100 acres, 1855
Balding, SamuelJohnston (1); 100 acres, 1793
Balding, WilliamMadison (4), Buncombe (2); total 6 grants and 500 acres, 1846-1856
Baldridge, AlexanderRutherford (2), Lincoln (2), Tryon (1); total 5 grants and 341 acres, 1771-1796
Baldridge, DanielGreene TN (1), Middle District TN (1); total 2 grants and 8000 acres, 1788-1796
Baldridge, FrancisOrange (2); 136 acres, 1782-1800
Baldridge, JamesOrange (7), Greene TN (2); total 9 grants and 6862 acres, 1779-1800
Baldridge, JohnRutherford (3), Orange (2); total 5 grants and 502 acres, 1779-1811
Baldridge, MalcomOrange (1); 129 acres, 1799
Baldridge, RobertOrange (3); 383 acres, 1779-1789
Baldrige, AlexanderRutherford (1); 100 acres, 1798
Baldrige, John, Jr.Lincoln (1); 136 acres, 1787
Baldrige, WilliamRutherford (1); 50 acres, 1798
Baldry, WilliamPitt (1); 300 acres, 1761
Baldwin Mountain CreekBuncombe (1); 100 acres, 1801
Baldwin, A.Montgomery (1); 640 acres, 1854
Baldwin, A. J.Columbus (2); 40 acres, 1848-1855
Baldwin, AaronRichmond (1); 50 acres, 1814
Baldwin, AlfredRichmond (6), Montgomery (2); total 8 grants and 1785 acres, 1827-1876
Baldwin, C. D.Columbus (1); 24 acres, 1883
Baldwin, CharlesColumbus (6), Bladen (4); total 10 grants and 797 acres, 1791-1851
Baldwin, D. S.Montgomery (1); 84 acres, 1885
Baldwin, DudleyMontgomery (1); 100 acres, 1841
Baldwin, ElijahAshe (1); 150 acres, 1806
Baldwin, ElishaAshe (18), Wilkes (5), Burke (2); total 25 grants and 2302 acres, 1794-1844
Baldwin, EnochAshe (2); 150 acres, 1818
Baldwin, F. G.Columbus (1); 5 acres, 1902
Baldwin, H. D.Richmond (1); 20 acres, 1915
Baldwin, HenryCaswell (1); 400 acres, 1782
Baldwin, HiramRichmond (3), Montgomery (1); total 4 grants and 163 acres, 1845-1873
Baldwin, J. A.Macon (2), Richmond (1); total 3 grants and 129 acres, 1859-1870
Baldwin, J. O.Macon (2); 126 acres
Baldwin, J. R.Henderson (1); 9 acres, 1874
Baldwin, JacobAshe (6), Burke (5), Orange (1); total 12 grants and 1853 acres, 1782-1842
Baldwin, JamesBladen (12), Columbus (5), Brunswick (1); total 18 grants and 3346 acres, 1735-1850
Baldwin, James, Sr.Columbus (6); 424 acres, 1817-1839
Baldwin, JesseRichmond (3), Hawkins TN (2); total 5 grants and 1343 acres, 1791-1824
Baldwin, Jesse A.Richmond (1); 3 acres, 1859
Baldwin, JohnBladen (9), Ashe (6), Rowan (1), plus 3 grants in 3 other counties; total 19 grants and 2943 acres, 1756-1819
Baldwin, John A.Macon (1); 50 acres, 1857
Baldwin, John, Jr.Ashe (1); 40 acres, 1816
Baldwin, John, Sr.Ashe (1), Columbus (1), Bladen (1); total 3 grants and 186 acres, 1795-1816
Baldwin, JosephBladen (7), Columbus (2), Ashe (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 11 grants and 997 acres, 1756-1825
Baldwin, MargaretColumbus (1); 26 acres, 1863
Baldwin, NathanielBladen (4); 450 acres, 1779-1803
Baldwin, RebekahAshe (1); 100 acres
Baldwin, RobertColumbus (6), Ashe (1); total 7 grants and 508 acres, 1816-1869
Baldwin, SamuelChatham (3); 341 acres, 1779-1798
Baldwin, StephenAshe (7), Wilkes (1); total 8 grants and 658 acres, 1797-1838
Baldwin, W. J.Randolph (1); 77 acres, 1901
Baldwin, WarnerBladen (2); 200 acres, 1735
Baldwin, WarrenBladen (6), Columbus (2); total 8 grants and 1800 acres, 1735-1835
Baldwin, WilliamBladen (6), Pitt (4), Beaufort (3), plus 8 grants in 6 other counties; total 21 grants and 4624 acres, 1756-1840
Baldwin, William B.Columbus (1); 100 acres, 1817
Baldwin, William J.Henderson (1); 14 acres, 1892
Baldwin, William M.Columbus (1); 100 acres, 1850
Baldwin, William S.Montgomery (2); 109 acres, 1866-1880
Baldwin, ZeanosMiddle District TN (1); 40000 acres, 1795
Baldwin, ZeanousGreene TN (1); 200 acres, 1788
Baldwin, ZerasSurry (1); 100 acres, 1795
Baldwing, WilliamPitt (1); 200 acres, 1783
Baldwins BranchBladen (26), Ashe (4), Columbus (4), plus 2 grants in 1 other county; total 36 grants and 3120 acres, 1779-1886
Bale, WilliamWilkes (1); 100 acres, 1788
Balenger, MaryJohnston (1); 300 acres, 1779
Balentine, AlexanderBladen (1); 50 acres
Balentine, LoveyCurrituck (1); 44 acres, 1815
Balentire, WilloughbyNash (1); 321 acres, 1814
Bales CreekGranville (1); 580 acres, 1757
Bales, HezekiahGreene TN (1); 100 acres, 1790
Bales, JacobSurry (4); 263 acres, 1802-1817
Balew CoveBuncombe (1); 75 acres, 1847
Balew, A. C.Macon (1); 9 acres, 1892
Balew, DavidMacon (1), Yancey (1); total 2 grants and 160 acres, 1845
Balew, JosephBurke (1); 50 acres, 1818
Balew, ThomasSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Balews BranchBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1855
Baley BranchBuncombe (1); 100 acres
Baley, AbrahamCraven (1); 100 acres, 1753
Baley, AllenBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1818
Baley, ClaudiusGreene TN (1); 100 acres, 1787
Baley, DavidNew Hanover (1), Carteret (1); total 2 grants and 400 acres, 1743-1794
Baley, IsraelGranville (1); 280 acres, 1814
Baley, JacobUnion (1), Anson (1); total 2 grants and 115 acres, 1816-1855
Baley, Jacob E.Union (1); 6 acres, 1855
Baley, JamesAnson (1), Burke (1), Warren (1); total 3 grants and 367 acres, 1779-1840
Baley, JeremiahGranville (1); 25 acres, 1799
Baley, JohnBurke (3), Anson (2), Washington TN (2), plus 5 grants in 4 other counties; total 12 grants and 1648 acres, 1788-1817
Baley, KirsRutherford (1); 40 acres, 1816
Baley, LeviBuncombe (4); 135 acres, 1816-1818
Baley, LewisBuncombe (2); 475 acres, 1815
Baley, M. J.Mitchell (1); 34 acres, 1871
Baley, MathewAnson (1); 100 acres, 1775
Baley, MatthewAnson (1); 58 acres, 1815
Baley, MicajahJohnston (1); 86 acres, 1808
Baley, RichardHalifax (1), Granville (1); total 2 grants and 793 acres, 1761-1785
Baley, StephenBuncombe (1); 100 acres
Baley, ThomasLincoln (1), Anson (1); total 2 grants and 155 acres, 1787-1816
Baley, WalterSullivan TN (1); 230 acres, 1788
Baley, WilliamBuncombe (3), Surry (1), Lincoln (1); total 5 grants and 555 acres, 1787-1812
Baley, William, Jr.Anson (1); 60 acres, 1813
Balfour, AndrewRandolph (3), Greene TN (1); total 4 grants and 1390 acres, 1793
Balfour, C. H., Jr.Currituck (1); 23 acres, 1883
Balfour, IsabellaRandolph (1); 640 acres, 1783
Balfour, MargaretRandolph (3); 1040 acres, 1788
Balfour, MargretRandolph (1); 480 acres, 1782
Balfours, _______Randolph (1); 150 acres, 1787
Balie, AndrewAnson (2); 640 acres, 1754
Balies, RichardHalifax (1); 348 acres, 1760
Baliff, AbnerBurke (1); 200 acres, 1794
Baliff, JonesAlamance (1); 7 acres
Balinger, AdamBurke (1); 25 acres, 1905
Balinger, JohnJohnston (2); 200 acres, 1778-1782
Balinger, MaryJohnston (4); 500 acres, 1778-1782
Balinger, WilliamJohnston (2); 400 acres, 1779-1782
Balingo, HenryRowan (1); 640 acres, 1753
Balis, JohnHalifax (1); 221 acres, 1762
Balis, SamuelWashington TN (2); 374 acres, 1795
Balkaum, ThomasSurry (1); 200 acres, 1787
Balkum, IchabodEdgecombe (2); 400 acres, 1778
Ball BayTyrrell (1); 34 acres, 1796
Ball BeachPender (1); 126 acres, 1921
Ball BranchNew Hanover (1); 320 acres
Ball CreekBuncombe (2), Macon (1), Yancey (1); total 4 grants and 230 acres, 1836-1902
Ball FamilySurry (1); 400 acres, 1808
Ball Fork CreekAshe (10); 611 acres, 1835-1880
Ball Knob RidgeYancey (1); 640 acres, 1887
Ball MountainRowan (1), Buncombe (1), Yancey (1); total 3 grants and 398 acres, 1806-1890
Ball PocosinDobbs (2); 417 acres, 1784
Ball, AmosWashington TN (1); 100 acres, 1795
Ball, AmraphelBuncombe (2); 68 acres, 1827-1845
Ball, BenjaminIredell (1), Buncombe (1); total 2 grants and 250 acres, 1803-1838
Ball, ChesleyWilkes (1); 100 acres, 1836
Ball, DanielIredell (2), Buncombe (1); total 3 grants and 616 acres, 1794-1808
Ball, E. W.Onslow (1); 15 acres, 1890
Ball, EdwardSurry (1); 200 acres, 1784
Ball, GeorgeTryon (2); 400 acres, 1775
Ball, George W.Buncombe (1); 50 acres, 1838
Ball, GreenNash (1); 112 acres, 1789
Ball, HenryCraven (1); 95 acres
Ball, HoseaCurrituck (1); 25 acres, 1804
Ball, JamesCarteret (2), Beaufort (1); total 3 grants and 400 acres, 1740
Ball, James, Jr.Orange (1); 580 acres, 1779
Ball, JoelBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1839
Ball, JohnPitt (2), Iredell (1), Wilkes (1); total 4 grants and 700 acres, 1782-1817
Ball, John J.Wilkes (1); 29 acres, 1856
Ball, JohnsonWilkes (2); 200 acres, 1830-1839
Ball, JonaWilkes (1); 6 acres, 1897
Ball, LeviBeaufort (1); 100 acres, 1798
Ball, LewisBuncombe (4); 280 acres, 1803-1812
Ball, MilesBeaufort (1); 41 acres, 1825
Ball, MosesDobbs (3), Craven (1); total 4 grants and 226 acres, 1769-1784
Ball, NathanCurrituck (1); 300 acres, 1795
Ball, ReubenCurrituck (1); 300 acres, 1795
Ball, SpencerSurry (4); 400 acres, 1783-1795
Ball, StephenJones (1), Carteret (1); total 2 grants and 90 acres, 1779-1784
Ball, ThomasSurry (2), Chowan (1); total 3 grants and 840 acres, 1720-1797
Ball, WilliamDuplin (7), Iredell (3), Wilkes (2), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 14 grants and 2592 acres, 1766-1854
Ballaback SwampPerquimans (9); 2127 acres, 1784-1798
Ballahock SwampPerquimans (2); 200 acres, 1736
Ballance, AaronCarteret (1); 100 acres
Ballance, B. R.Dare (3); 224 acres, 1927-1930
Ballance, Caleb WilliamCurrituck (1); 69 acres, 1790
Ballance, Ephraim G.Currituck (1); 100 acres, 1853
Ballance, Ephraim J.Currituck (1); 100 acres, 1853
Ballance, JohnCurrituck (2); 400 acres, 1744
Ballance, LewisCurrituck (1); 309 acres, 1817
Ballance, RichardCurrituck (1); 832 acres, 1712
Ballance, SamuelCurrituck (3); 710 acres, 1712-1716
Ballance, ThomasCurrituck (2); 132 acres, 1805
Ballance, WilliamCurrituck (2); 345 acres, 1727-1783
Ballang, ElishaTyrrell (1); 100 acres, 1783
Ballanger, ElishaTyrrell (1); 50 acres, 1783
Ballantine, AlexanderBladen (1); 60 acres, 1802
Ballantine, John H.Bladen (1); 39 acres, 1853
Ballantine, MaltireRobertson TN (1); 640 acres
Ballantine, NehemiahMartin (1); 75 acres, 1791
Ballard CoveBuncombe (2); 200 acres
Ballard CreekBuncombe (5), Orange (1), Mecklenburg (1); total 7 grants and 528 acres, 1795-1855
Ballard FamilySurry (1); 90 acres, 1803
Ballard, ArcheyStokes (1); 50 acres, 1798
Ballard, BenjaminOnslow (1); 540 acres, 1782
Ballard, BurwellTennessee TN (1), Davidson TN (1); total 2 grants and 1280 acres, 1790
Ballard, ByramSurry (2); 65 acres, 1797-1798
Ballard, ByromStokes (1); 50 acres, 1797
Ballard, ByrumSurry (1); 100 acres, 1800
Ballard, ChristopherNash (1); 221 acres, 1784
Ballard, DavidSurry (5), Cherokee (2); total 7 grants and 621 acres, 1794-1855
Ballard, DevereauxWilkes (1); 170 acres, 1782
Ballard, DevereuxWilkes (2); 403 acres, 1782
Ballard, DrewrySumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Ballard, EdwardTyrrell (1), Middle District TN (1); total 2 grants and 760 acres, 1754-1795
Ballard, EliasMartin (2), Wayne (1); total 3 grants and 1016 acres, 1782-1797
Ballard, ElishaPerquimans (1); 275 acres
Ballard, EzekielWayne (1); 40 acres, 1797
Ballard, FrancisDavidson TN (2); 640 acres, 1787-1788
Ballard, G. G.Transylvania (3); 229 acres, 1895-1903
Ballard, George M.Montgomery (1); 4 acres, 1855
Ballard, HumphreyMontgomery (2); 304 acres, 1783
Ballard, J. F.Henderson (1); 27 acres, 1812
Ballard, J. L.Catawba (1); 15 acres, 1903
Ballard, JamesMartin (3), Lincoln (3), Onslow (2), plus 4 grants in 4 other counties; total 12 grants and 1975 acres, 1786-1855
Ballard, James H.Henderson (1), Buncombe (1); total 2 grants and 54 acres, 1831-1848
Ballard, JarmonSurry (2); 200 acres, 1789-1792
Ballard, JermanSurry (1); 100 acres, 1799
Ballard, JesseOnslow (1), Anson (1); total 2 grants and 338 acres, 1765-1790
Ballard, JesseeOnslow (1); 138 acres, 1765
Ballard, JethroPerquimans (1), Gates (1); total 2 grants and 413 acres, 1783
Ballard, JoabDavidson TN (2); 1280 acres, 1787
Ballard, JohnMontgomery (6), Johnston (5), Martin (3), plus 10 grants in 6 other counties; total 24 grants and 5006 acres, 1743-1803
Ballard, John J.Buncombe (1); 75 acres, 1855
Ballard, JosephOnslow (5), Surry (2), Yancey (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 9 grants and 897 acres, 1723-1838
Ballard, Joseph, Sr.Onslow (3); 488 acres, 1782-1784
Ballard, JosiahDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1788
Ballard, KedarWestern District TN (1); 3840 acres, 1793
Ballard, KederSumner TN (1); 3840 acres, 1793
Ballard, LotOnslow (1); 82 acres, 1822
Ballard, LottOnslow (5); 1631 acres, 1802-1817
Ballard, MoormanSurry (1); 50 acres, 1794
Ballard, PeterDobbs (1), Tennessee TN (1), Wayne (1); total 3 grants and 890 acres, 1779-1791
Ballard, R. H.Buncombe (1); 30 acres, 1858
Ballard, R. W.Henderson (1); 4 acres, 1860
Ballard, Reuben H.Buncombe (2), Henderson (1); total 3 grants and 216 acres, 1831-1860
Ballard, RichardGranville (1); 440 acres, 1760
Ballard, StatonLincoln (1); 10 acres, 1837
Ballard, ThomasSurry (2), Sampson (1), Chatham (1); total 4 grants and 600 acres, 1787-1899
Ballard, W. A.Carteret (1); 0 acres, 1901
Ballard, WakerMiddle District TN (1); 640 acres, 1795
Ballard, WileyLincoln (1); 30 acres, 1797
Ballard, WilliamRutherford (1), Nash (1), Anson (1), plus 2 grants in 2 other counties; total 5 grants and 1307 acres, 1784-1832
Ballards Bridge CreekChowan (1); 292 acres, 1790
Ballards FordCumberland (1); 300 acres, 1784
Ballards Mill CreekWilkes (1); 80 acres, 1804
Ballender, JacobTennessee TN (1); 640 acres
Ballender, JethroTennessee TN (1); 640 acres
Ballendine, AlexanderBladen (1); 100 acres, 1787
Ballenger, Allen S.Johnston (2); 61 acres, 1812
Ballenger, ElizabethJohnston (1); 50 acres, 1812
Ballenger, J. E.Henderson (2); 7 acres, 1906-1913
Ballenger, JamesGreene TN (1), Buncombe (1); total 2 grants and 155 acres, 1787-1798
Ballenger, JohnGuilford (1); 600 acres, 1783
Ballenger, JosiahBuncombe (1); 200 acres, 1798
Ballenger, MosesHawkins TN (1); 300 acres, 1788
Ballenger, WilliamJohnston (3); 200 acres, 1790-1812
Ballenger, William S.Johnston (1); 30 acres, 1844
Ballentine, AlexanderBladen (2); 160 acres, 1791-1801
Ballentine, DavidCurrituck (1); 150 acres, 1815
Ballentine, EdmundMartin (1); 250 acres, 1784
Ballentine, EdwardMartin (3); 807 acres, 1780-1791
Ballentine, GeorgeBladen (1); 100 acres, 1850
Ballentine, George W.Bladen (1); 100 acres, 1850
Ballentine, HenryCurrituck (1); 1000 acres, 1783
Ballentine, JamesEdgecombe (1); 531 acres, 1761
Ballentine, John H.Bladen (1); 100 acres, 1850
Ballentine, MathisTennessee TN (1); 640 acres, 1797
Ballew, A. C.Macon (1); 9 acres, 1906
Ballew, AnthonyBuncombe (1); 75 acres
Ballew, ArchibaldMacon (2); 200 acres, 1854-1862
Ballew, DanielBurke (1); 50 acres, 1827
Ballew, DavidBurke (8), Yancey (4), Macon (1); total 13 grants and 1050 acres, 1834-1845
Ballew, EddYancey (2); 36 acres, 1820-1920
Ballew, HughMcDowell (1); 70 acres, 1870
Ballew, JasonYancey (4); 262 acres, 1852-1873
Ballew, John G.Caldwell (1); 200 acres, 1856
Ballew, MarionYancey (1); 70 acres, 1873
Ballew, MeridithAshe (1); 50 acres, 1818
Ballew, PeterBurke (1); 45 acres, 1818
Ballew, R. A.Yancey (2); 300 acres, 1854-1883
Ballew, R. B.Cherokee (2); 1280 acres, 1871
Ballew, RobertBurke (2); 500 acres, 1802-1821
Ballew, Robert, Sr.Burke (1); 100 acres, 1802
Ballew, SarahYancey (2); 122 acres, 1883-1885
Ballew, StephenYancey (1); 100 acres, 1844
Ballew, ThomasSumner TN (1), Burke (1), Yancey (1); total 3 grants and 762 acres, 1793-1861
Ballew, Thomas, Sr.Burke (3); 250 acres, 1835
Ballew, WilliamBurke (2); 257 acres, 1805-1818
Ballews CreekCaldwell (1); 100 acres, 1856
BallibackCraven (1); 200 acres, 1767
Ballihack SwampPerquimans (11), Edgecombe (3); total 14 grants and 2771 acres, 1736-1798
Ballinger, DavidLincoln (2); 50 acres, 1806-1808
Ballinger, HenryRowan (2), Burke (1); total 3 grants and 1317 acres, 1753-1795
Ballinger, JamesBuncombe (2); 200 acres, 1794
Ballinger, JohnJohnston (2); 250 acres, 1782-1798
Ballinger, JonathanGuilford (1); 46 acres, 1787
Ballinger, JosiasBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1794
Ballinger, W. S.Johnston (1); 140 acres, 1844
Ballinger, WilliamJohnston (2); 150 acres, 1782-1793
Ballinger, William S.Johnston (2); 280 acres, 1844
Ballod, WilliamRutherford (1); 100 acres, 1798
Ballord, Reuben H.Buncombe (1); 200 acres, 1832
Ballow, BakerAshe (2); 64 acres, 1833-1840
Ballow, JohnBertie (1); 315 acres, 1725
Ballow, LeonardAshe (7); 400 acres, 1823-1840
Ballow, MeredithAshe (5); 750 acres, 1819-1835
Ballow, Napoleon B.Ashe (1); 25 acres, 1840
Ballow, ThomasAshe (3); 350 acres, 1832-1849
Ballow, WilliamAshe (1); 150 acres, 1818
Ballows, Blake M.Ashe (1); 50 acres, 1848
Balls BranchTryon (2); 200 acres, 1779-1783
Balls CreekLincoln (36), Burke (12), Catawba (2), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 51 grants and 11180 acres, 1762-1881
Balls MillSurry (1); 100 acres, 1778
Balls Mill SwampDuplin (3); 700 acres, 1766
Balls, BenjaminEdgecombe (1); 22 acres, 1803
Balltrips BranchWilkes (1); 18 acres, 1865
Ballwin, JonathanRichmond (1); 50 acres, 1799
Ballyhove SwampPerquimans (1); 179 acres, 1740
Balm, HonasMecklenburg (1); 400 acres
Balmer, JohnDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Balmore, JohnMontgomery (1); 200 acres, 1830
Balock, JosephYancey (1); 16 acres, 1874
Baloo, AbsalomAnson (1); 100 acres
Baloo, IsaacAnson (1); 100 acres
Bals, JohnEastern District TN (1); 200 acres, 1795
Balsam MountainBuncombe (2), Jackson (1), Haywood (1); total 4 grants and 5400 acres, 1806-1859
Balsom, RichardOnslow (1); 15 acres, 1890
Baltrip, JamesSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1789
Baltrip, MosesSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1789
Baltrips BranchWilkes (1); 17 acres, 1854
Bamberis ForkMontgomery (1); 200 acres, 1810
Bambert, ChrisopherMecklenburg (1); 250 acres, 1766
Bambridge, JohnCraven (1); 180 acres
Bamhos BranchOrange (1); 468 acres, 1762
Bamngardener, PeterTryon (1); 250 acres, 1769
Banaster, WilliamBeaufort (1); 150 acres
Banchers, CatherineAshe (1); 50 acres, 1834
Banckson, AndrewAnson (1); 607 acres, 1771
Banckston, AndrewAnson (1); 200 acres, 1773
Bancom, GreenUnion (2); 107 acres, 1848-1855
Bandy Cove MountainBurke (4); 1982 acres, 1863-1875
Bandy TownshipCatawba (1); 4 acres, 1891
Bandy, J. T.Cherokee (1); 169 acres, 1855
Bandy, JamesEdgecombe (1); 195 acres, 1752
Bandy, JesseBurke (1); 50 acres, 1803