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Ashford, WilliamChatham (1), Caswell (1); total 2 grants and 498 acres, 1779-1782
Ashley ForkMacon (1); 100 acres, 1849
Ashley, J. T.Wilkes (1); 26 acres, 1905
Ashley, JohnAnson (4), Tryon (2), Buncombe (2), plus 3 grants in 2 other counties; total 11 grants and 2025 acres, 1746-1835
Ashley, John S.Ashe (1); 50 acres, 1845
Ashley, JosephSurry (2), Ashe (1); total 3 grants and 300 acres, 1791-1850
Ashley, NathanielAnson (1); 50 acres, 1774
Ashley, RobertOrange (1), Macon (1), Ashe (1); total 3 grants and 630 acres, 1782-1844
Ashley, RomeyWilkes (1); 18 acres, 1938
Ashley, StephenHaywood (2), Buncombe (1); total 3 grants and 296 acres, 1852-1853
Ashley, Thomas M.Wilkes (1); 23 acres, 1884
Ashley, Thomas, Sr.Chowan (1); 120 acres, 1722
Ashley, WilliamRobeson (6), Bladen (6), Ashe (3), plus 8 grants in 5 other counties; total 23 grants and 3790 acres, 1719-1862
Ashley, William, Sr.Ashe (1); 100 acres, 1844
Ashlys CreekGranville (1); 325 acres, 1753
Ashman, LewisRandolph (1); 150 acres, 1782
Ashmore, JamesGreene TN (3), Chatham (1), Washington TN (1); total 5 grants and 1250 acres, 1780-1791
Ashmore, WalterAnson (3); 250 acres, 1773-1774
Ashpole SwampBladen (177), Robeson (120), Cumberland (1); total 298 grants and 58013 acres, 1753-1838
AshtonPender (3); 429 acres, 1883-1919
Ashton PointPender (1); 832 acres, 1911
Ashton, WilliamCaswell (1); 10 acres, 1806
Ashurst, WilliamHawkins TN (1); 200 acres, 1794
Ashwith, JohnTryon (1); 300 acres, 1775
Ashwood, JasonBuncombe (1); 94 acres, 1890
Ashworth CreekBuncombe (18), Rutherford (17), Tryon (6); total 41 grants and 5683 acres, 1782-1889
Ashworth, JesseHenderson (2); 200 acres, 1849-1852
Ashworth, JohnBuncombe (8), Rutherford (4), Tryon (3); total 15 grants and 2155 acres, 1775-1834
Ashworth, John, Jr.Buncombe (3); 360 acres, 1799-1804
Ashworth, John, Sr.Buncombe (2); 300 acres, 1795-1806
Ashworth, JohnstonBuncombe (1); 30 acres, 1855
Ashworth, JosephRutherford (1), Buncombe (1); total 2 grants and 250 acres, 1792-1840
Ashworth, JoshuaBuncombe (1); 42 acres, 1873
Ashworth, LewisRutherford (1); 150 acres, 1797
Ashworth, NancyBuncombe (1); 75 acres, 1806
Asker, Charles, Sr.Washington TN (1); 300 acres, 1788
Askers, BenjaminJones (1); 11 acres, 1886
Askew, AaronBertie (7), Sumner TN (1); total 8 grants and 1711 acres, 1785-1794
Askew, AmosOnslow (1); 48 acres, 1859
Askew, BenjaminOnslow (1); 48 acres, 1859
Askew, CharlesBute (1); 640 acres, 1779
Askew, DanielPitt (1); 65 acres, 1793
Askew, DavidPitt (2); 65 acres, 1789-1793
Askew, David O.Hertford (3); 2880 acres, 1833
Askew, FrederickOnslow (2); 114 acres, 1802
Askew, George C.Buncombe (4); 250 acres, 1834-1844
Askew, J. C.Buncombe (1); 100 acres, 1840
Askew, JamesSurry (3), Burke (2), Buncombe (1); total 6 grants and 676 acres, 1792-1851
Askew, JesseSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1793
Askew, JohnEdgecombe (2), Lenoir (1); total 3 grants and 559 acres, 1743-1824
Askew, JonasCamden (1); 50 acres, 1891
Askew, JosiahEdgecombe (3), Burke (2); total 5 grants and 541 acres, 1782-1816
Askew, LawrenceHertford (1); 90 acres, 1835
Askew, LeviHertford (1); 107 acres, 1860
Askew, NicholasHertford (1); 200 acres, 1789
Askew, ThomasJones (1); 200 acres, 1782
Askew, Thomas W.Buncombe (1); 50 acres, 1851
Askew, WilliamRandolph (2), Sumner TN (1); total 3 grants and 687 acres, 1797-1854
Askew, William F.Randolph (1); 55 acres, 1850
Askew, ZepheniahHertford (1); 92 acres, 1835
Askey BranchDuplin (1); 100 acres, 1784
Askings, ZachariahDavidson TN (1); 320 acres, 1787
Askins CreekDare (3); 82 acres, 1926-1930
Askins, ArchibaldOnslow (1); 100 acres, 1804
Askins, BenjaminOnslow (1); 100 acres, 1804
Askins, JohnMoore (1), Davidson TN (1); total 2 grants and 740 acres, 1789-1790
Askins, SilvanusOnslow (1); 90 acres, 1793
Askins, WilliamOnslow (3), Davidson TN (1); total 4 grants and 940 acres, 1753-1804
Aslee, JosephCraven (1); 92 acres, 1765
Asley, WilliamAshe (1); 40 acres, 1850
Asop, ThomasNew Hanover (2); 1280 acres, 1735
Aspan, ThomasCaswell (1); 300 acres, 1779
Aspen, ThomasOrange (1), Caswell (1); total 2 grants and 450 acres, 1779-1784
Aspey, SamualTryon (1); 100 acres, 1782
Aspey, WilliamMiddle District TN (1), Brunswick (1); total 2 grants and 1640 acres, 1769-1796
Aspeys CreekBrunswick (3); 1000 acres, 1768-1769
Aspices CreekCumberland (1); 300 acres, 1801
Aspley, JohnDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1786
Asque, WilliamGranville (1); 640 acres, 1779
Asselman, JamesMecklenburg (1); 100 acres, 1789
Assent BranchRutherford (1); 150 acres, 1831
Association IslandHaywood (1); 50 acres, 1841
Association Reformed Congregation of ProsperityMecklenburg (1); 10 acres, 1795
Astie, JohnJohnston (1); 250 acres, 1749
Astin, JohnWashington TN (1); 100 acres, 1794
Aston, JamesMecklenburg (3); 1000 acres, 1763-1767
Aston, RichardRandolph (2); 100 acres, 1800
Aston, SamuelRandolph (2); 200 acres, 1802-1810
Ates FamilyWilkes (1); 100 acres, 1841
Ates, WilliamWilkes (1); 100 acres, 1835
Athanatius, RobersonOrange (1); 277 acres, 1784
Athens, SilasBladen (1); 200 acres, 1779
Atherly, JonathanCraven (2); 98 acres, 1774-1791
Athey, Camill H.Ashe (1); 50 acres, 1848
Atins, JohnBuncombe (1); 200 acres, 1814
Atkeson, RaymondJohnston (1); 100 acres, 1793
Atkin RiverWilkes (1); 345 acres, 1779
Atkin, J. H.McDowell (2); 1274 acres, 1891
Atkins BranchDobbs (4); 920 acres, 1773-1788
Atkins Creek (tenn.)Greene TN (1); 100 acres, 1790
Atkins, AbeaMontgomery (1); 50 acres, 1815
Atkins, AbiaMontgomery (1); 35 acres, 1815
Atkins, AbnerRowan (1); 60 acres, 1786
Atkins, AlexanderMecklenburg (1); 223 acres
Atkins, ArthurMontgomery (1); 34 acres, 1838
Atkins, AsaMontgomery (1); 50 acres, 1799
Atkins, BenjaminSumner TN (1), Davidson TN (1); total 2 grants and 948 acres, 1793-1796
Atkins, DavidChowan (1); 340 acres, 1716
Atkins, ElishaDuplin (1), Craven (1); total 2 grants and 200 acres, 1767-1769
Atkins, EphraimMontgomery (1); 50 acres, 1795
Atkins, GeorgeMontgomery (1); 30 acres, 1819
Atkins, HenryBuncombe (1); 100 acres, 1806
Atkins, HuchenJohnston (1); 250 acres, 1810
Atkins, IcaCumberland (2); 232 acres, 1805
Atkins, Ica, Jr.Cumberland (4); 598 acres, 1790-1800
Atkins, Ica, Sr.Cumberland (3); 300 acres, 1790-1794
Atkins, IeaCumberland (1); 200 acres, 1792
Atkins, JamesCumberland (60), Moore (4), Montgomery (3), plus 2 grants in 1 other county; total 69 grants and 20034 acres, 1744-1821
Atkins, James, Sr.Cumberland (1); 200 acres
Atkins, JeaJohnston (1); 300 acres, 1762
Atkins, JohnCumberland (10), Wake (5), Duplin (4), plus 11 grants in 5 other counties; total 30 grants and 6159 acres, 1761-1854
Atkins, John, Jr.Wake (1), Cumberland (1); total 2 grants and 676 acres, 1779-1818
Atkins, John, Sr.Wake (1); 590 acres, 1779
Atkins, Jonathan G.Wilkes (2); 70 acres, 1849-1850
Atkins, JosephMiddle District TN (1); 3000 acres, 1794
Atkins, K. H.Surry (1); 5 acres, 1905
Atkins, LewisJohnston (5), Cumberland (4), Moore (2), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 12 grants and 2183 acres, 1783-1814
Atkins, RichardCumberland (4); 758 acres, 1799-1805
Atkins, RingroseHawkins TN (1); 340 acres, 1793
Atkins, RobertBath (1); 640 acres, 1729
Atkins, S. G.Surry (1); 4 acres, 1907
Atkins, SamuelOnslow (1); 100 acres, 1763
Atkins, SilasRobeson (9), Bladen (2); total 11 grants and 1442 acres, 1775-1797
Atkins, W. A.Montgomery (1); 92 acres, 1875
Atkins, W. H.Surry (1); 18 acres, 1899
Atkins, WilliamSurry (2), Onslow (2), Wake (1); total 5 grants and 1004 acres, 1765-1804
Atkinson FamilySampson (1); 50 acres, 1799
Atkinson, A. T.Pender (1); 53 acres, 1912
Atkinson, AaronEdgecombe (1); 6 acres, 1812
Atkinson, AmosNew Hanover (4), Pitt (3), Beaufort (2), plus 3 grants in 3 other counties; total 12 grants and 1732 acres, 1761-1896
Atkinson, AryCaswell (1); 200 acres, 1787
Atkinson, BarletTryon (1); 200 acres, 1768
Atkinson, BenjaminNash (4), Cumberland (1), Greene TN (1); total 6 grants and 1174 acres, 1772-1788
Atkinson, BrittonRichmond (1); 30 acres, 1811
Atkinson, CarletonCumberland (1); 640 acres
Atkinson, CharlesOrange (1); 358 acres, 1762
Atkinson, CharletonTennessee TN (1); 640 acres, 1797
Atkinson, DanielNew Hanover (2); 200 acres, 1769-1825
Atkinson, Daniel, Jr.New Hanover (1); 28 acres, 1833
Atkinson, EphraimJohnston (1); 500 acres, 1779
Atkinson, HenryCumberland (9), Bladen (3), Nash (1); total 13 grants and 2265 acres, 1755-1819
Atkinson, IsaacDuplin (2); 400 acres, 1760
Atkinson, JacobJohnston (1); 250 acres, 1779
Atkinson, JamesEdgecombe (1); 485 acres, 1761
Atkinson, JennieSurry (1); 20 acres, 1881
Atkinson, JoelEdgecombe (2); 930 acres, 1753-1756
Atkinson, JohnCaswell (15), Duplin (4), Johnston (3), plus 12 grants in 7 other counties; total 34 grants and 8140 acres, 1762-1825
Atkinson, John W.Brunswick (1); 100 acres, 1849
Atkinson, JosephJohnston (2), Lincoln (1); total 3 grants and 378 acres, 1792-1798
Atkinson, MathewHawkins TN (1); 270 acres, 1793
Atkinson, MatthewJohnston (1), Hawkins TN (1); total 2 grants and 300 acres, 1785-1794
Atkinson, MosesEdgecombe (1); 614 acres, 1761
Atkinson, NathanGreene TN (7), Johnston (2), Eastern District TN (1); total 10 grants and 3650 acres, 1782-1794
Atkinson, RansomCaswell (1); 640 acres, 1779
Atkinson, ReubenDobbs (4); 1772 acres, 1763-1766
Atkinson, ReubinDobbs (2); 492 acres, 1763-1765
Atkinson, RichardBertie (2), Johnston (1); total 3 grants and 1097 acres, 1740-1757
Atkinson, RobertCaswell (3); 1000 acres, 1783-1793
Atkinson, SamuelNew Hanover (3); 205 acres, 1844-1856
Atkinson, SolomonGranville (1); 330 acres, 1760
Atkinson, StokelyNew Hanover (1); 93 acres, 1859
Atkinson, T. B.Pender (1); 10 acres, 1912
Atkinson, ThomasNash (1), Edgecombe (1); total 2 grants and 389 acres, 1779-1782
Atkinson, W. A.Bladen (1); 100 acres, 1858
Atkinson, WileyBladen (2); 74 acres, 1815-1858
Atkinson, WilleyBladen (1); 50 acres, 1825
Atkinson, WilliamDuplin (4), Sampson (2); total 6 grants and 1468 acres, 1758-1788
Atkinson, WillieBladen (1); 50 acres
Atkinsons BranchBuncombe (2), Johnston (1), Craven (1); total 4 grants and 680 acres, 1738-1830
Atkis, JamesCumberland (1); 250 acres, 1798
Atkison, HenryCumberland (1); 200 acres, 1811
Atkison, JacobPitt (1); 80 acres
Atkison, JamesNash (1); 153 acres, 1791
Atkison, JosephRobeson (1); 100 acres, 1794
Atkison, NewittNash (1); 183 acres, 1791
Atkison, SamuelRobeson (3); 195 acres, 1789-1791
Atkison, WilliamSurry (1); 400 acres, 1809
Atkison, WillieEdgecombe (1); 74 acres, 1832
Atlantic and North Carolina RailroadCraven (3); 499 acres, 1871-1907
Atlantic and Yadkin RailroadPender (1); 30 acres, 1926
Atlantic BeachCarteret (1); 0 acres
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad CompanyPender (3); 622 acres, 1908-1955
Atlantic OceanDare (18), Currituck (10), Brunswick (6), plus 7 grants in 4 other counties; total 41 grants and 5786 acres, 1788-1927
Atlantic Ocean BeachDare (2); 68 acres, 1882
Atlantic TownshipDare (9), Currituck (1); total 10 grants and 694 acres, 1822-1935
Atmore, George S.Craven (2); 7 acres, 1855
Atoah CreekGraham (11), Cherokee (7); total 18 grants and 2420 acres, 1859-1924
Atones River (tenn.)Sumner TN (1); 640 acres
Attmore, SallySmith TN (1); 200 acres, 1802
Attmore, WilliamSmith TN (2); 836 acres, 1801-1802
Attwood, Thomas, Jr.Orange (1); 50 acres, 1795
Atwater, IsaacBurke (1); 70 acres, 1794
Atwater, JehialChatham (1); 5 acres, 1860
Atwater, MosesOrange (1); 50 acres, 1801
Atwater, TitusCraven (2), Orange (1), Chatham (1); total 4 grants and 580 acres, 1775-1788
Atway, HardyDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1787
Atway, JamesDavidson TN (1); 640 acres, 1787
Atwell, BenjaminDuplin (4), Sampson (1); total 5 grants and 740 acres, 1766-1786
Atwell, David A.Rowan (1); 0 acres, 1887
Atwood, WilliamStokes (1); 97 acres, 1795
Auberry, E. L.Clay (1); 40 acres, 1904
Auberry, JerrardSurry (1); 100 acres
Auberry, MarthaClay (1); 71 acres, 1885
Auberry, PatseyClay (1); 50 acres, 1881
Auberry, WilliamCherokee (2); 200 acres, 1854
Auden, Susan A.Sampson (1); 106 acres, 1874
Audubon SocietyHyde (2); 4 acres, 1906
Aughtry, ArchibaldSampson (1); 100 acres
Aulay, JohnMoore (1); 30 acres
Auld, JamesAnson (4); 1528 acres, 1773-1824
Auld, JohnAnson (1); 135 acres, 1790
Auld, MichaelAnson (1); 130 acres, 1790
Auldradges BranchChatham (1); 100 acres, 1790
Aulds, James S.Anson (1); 20 acres
Aulds, JohnAnson (1); 25 acres, 1793
Aulmond, EdwardMontgomery (1); 200 acres, 1789
Aulquire, AbrahamAnson (1); 100 acres, 1773
Aultum, SpencerMontgomery (1); 100 acres, 1786
Auman, AndrewRandolph (3); 154 acres, 1800-1907
Auman, ClaudeMoore (1); 4 acres, 1907
Auman, GeorgeRandolph (1); 15 acres, 1854
Auman, JacobRandolph (1); 23 acres, 1846
Auman, MichaelRandolph (1); 350 acres, 1802
Aumond, GeorgeMontgomery (4); 303 acres, 1839-1840
Aumond, MartinMontgomery (1); 58 acres, 1852
Aumons, HenryMontgomery (1); 43 acres, 1853
Aumons, NoahMontgomery (1); 25 acres, 1855
Aunt Anny BranchRutherford (1); 70 acres, 1862
Auron, JohnRowan (1); 24 acres, 1783
Ausborn, IsaacAshe (1); 25 acres, 1830
Ausborn, SethAshe (1); 14 acres, 1819
Ausborn, StephenAshe (1); 50 acres, 1830
Ausbou, WilliamSurry (1); 42 acres, 1806
Ausby CreekNew Hanover (2); 360 acres, 1759
Ausgasharp, RichardWilkes (1); 150 acres, 1797
Ausgood, AnnRobertson TN (1); 640 acres, 1797
Ausgood, ElinorRobertson TN (1); 640 acres, 1797
Ausgood, MaryRobertson TN (1); 640 acres, 1797
Ausgood, PrudenceRobertson TN (1); 640 acres, 1797
Ausgood, ThomasTennessee TN (1), Robertson TN (1); total 2 grants and 1280 acres, 1797
Austeen, ThomasCarteret (1); 100 acres, 1774
Austels CreekSurry (1); 21 acres, 1818
Austill, MajorSurry (1); 56 acres, 1794
Austin's IslandsOnslow (1); 150 acres, 1832
Austin, A. J.Union (3); 42 acres, 1871-1881
Austin, A. S.Dare (4); 57 acres, 1924-1930
Austin, AndrewAshe (5); 370 acres, 1838-1868
Austin, B. A.Union (1); 16 acres, 1859
Austin, BenjaminBurke (10), Anson (1); total 11 grants and 1645 acres, 1792-1828
Austin, BerryAnson (3); 96 acres, 1826-1843
Austin, BriantMontgomery (1); 50 acres, 1805
Austin, BryanAnson (3), Montgomery (1); total 4 grants and 336 acres, 1797-1828
Austin, Bryan A.Anson (2); 125 acres, 1838-1841
Austin, Bryan, Jr.Anson (2); 500 acres, 1817-1821
Austin, Bryan, Sr.Anson (1); 150 acres, 1821
Austin, BryantAnson (1); 50 acres, 1835
Austin, Bryant A.Anson (6); 791 acres, 1826-1843
Austin, C. L.Dare (1); 4 acres
Austin, CharlesWake (1); 90 acres, 1780
Austin, Christopher C.Union (1); 50 acres, 1852
Austin, CulpepperUnion (1); 34 acres, 1847
Austin, DanielOnslow (1); 33 acres, 1768
Austin, DavidWilkes (3); 176 acres, 1784
Austin, DruryAnson (1); 100 acres, 1797
Austin, ElcanaCaldwell (1); 15 acres, 1908
Austin, ElijahBurke (2), Caldwell (1); total 3 grants and 350 acres, 1795-1842
Austin, Elijah, Sr.Burke (2); 11 acres
Austin, ElishaBurke (2); 300 acres, 1794
Austin, G. B.Ashe (1); 22 acres, 1907
Austin, GeorgeAshe (2), Watauga (1); total 3 grants and 203 acres, 1838-1904
Austin, H. L.Dare (2); 7 acres
Austin, HenryEdgecombe (3); 157 acres, 1836-1842
Austin, J. A.Union (1); 2 acres, 1896
Austin, JacobAnson (11), Montgomery (1); total 12 grants and 2020 acres, 1805-1838
Austin, Jacob C.Anson (1); 50 acres, 1837
Austin, JamesAnson (6), Union (1), Burke (1); total 8 grants and 1030 acres, 1799-1861
Austin, James, Jr.Anson (1); 20 acres, 1830
Austin, James, Sr.Anson (3); 129 acres, 1827-1838
Austin, JesseAnson (6), Ashe (3); total 9 grants and 1009 acres, 1819-1846
Austin, JohnAshe (5), Anson (5), Carteret (2), plus 3 grants in 3 other counties; total 15 grants and 1790 acres, 1761-1840
Austin, John E.Union (1), Anson (1); total 2 grants and 62 acres, 1837-1859
Austin, John M.Union (1); 43 acres, 1890
Austin, John W.Stanly (1); 100 acres, 1844
Austin, John, Sr.Union (1); 13 acres, 1853
Austin, JonathanAnson (3), Union (1); total 4 grants and 472 acres, 1813-1871
Austin, JosiahUnion (1); 22 acres, 1870
Austin, MarcusUnion (3); 177 acres, 1851-1860
Austin, MichaelAnson (9); 2350 acres, 1797-1805
Austin, NathanBurke (3), Caldwell (1); total 4 grants and 271 acres, 1799-1843
Austin, NathanielHawkins TN (1), Eastern District TN (1); total 2 grants and 450 acres, 1793-1795
Austin, PhilipBurke (2); 350 acres, 1794-1798
Austin, PhillipOrange (2); 200 acres, 1780-1784
Austin, PleasantAnson (1); 100 acres
Austin, RichardAnson (3); 250 acres, 1783-1805
Austin, Robert H.Edgecombe (1); 98 acres, 1836
Austin, S. S.Caldwell (1); 52 acres, 1872
Austin, SamuelBurke (9), Watauga (3), Caldwell (2), plus 3 grants in 3 other counties; total 17 grants and 2218 acres, 1794-1883
Austin, StephenWilkes (1); 50 acres, 1784
Austin, ThomasCarteret (5), Currituck (4), Craven (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 11 grants and 3135 acres, 1737-1797
Austin, Thomas A.Union (1); 15 acres, 1874
Austin, Thomas, Sr.Carteret (1); 300 acres
Austin, W. T.Burke (2); 83 acres, 1864
Austin, Wade H.Union (1); 21 acres, 1852
Austin, WilliamBurke (4), Orange (2), Caswell (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 8 grants and 1540 acres, 1779-1814
Austins BranchAnson (10); 1450 acres, 1808-1835
Auston, AbelHyde (1); 20 acres, 1792
Auston, CharlesWake (1), Anson (1); total 2 grants and 300 acres, 1785-1816
Auston, DanielOnslow (1); 160 acres, 1764
Auston, JacobAnson (1); 200 acres, 1810
Auston, JohnJohnston (1), Anson (1), Duplin (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 4 grants and 460 acres, 1779-1816
Auston, RichardAnson (1), Gates (1); total 2 grants and 464 acres, 1783-1815
Auston, SolomonOrange (1); 0 acres, 1794
Auston, WilliamAshe (2), Anson (1), Wilkes (1); total 4 grants and 450 acres, 1724-1829
Austons GapWilkes (1); 100 acres, 1784
Austor, DanielOnslow (1); 160 acres, 1764
Austry, AbsolonSampson (1); 50 acres, 1799
Autary, EphraimCumberland (1); 300 acres, 1837
Autery, AlexanderMoore (1); 62 acres, 1802
Autery, ElijahMoore (1); 100 acres, 1818
Autery, IsomSampson (1); 50 acres, 1790
Autery, JamesMoore (1), Sumner TN (1); total 2 grants and 690 acres, 1823
Autes, HenryRowan (1); 640 acres, 1755
Auther, SamuelLincoln (1); 100 acres, 1787
Autherty, JesseCraven (1); 30 acres, 1796
Autland, CorneliusDobbs (1); 580 acres, 1783
Auto, JamesAnson (1); 400 acres, 1773
Auton, RobertCaldwell (2); 100 acres, 1851
Auton, ThomasRowan (1); 300 acres, 1788
Autory, EphraimCumberland (3); 219 acres, 1824
Autray, RaifordCumberland (1); 92 acres, 1853
Autrees CreekPitt (2); 797 acres, 1779
Autrey BranchChatham (1); 640 acres
Autrey, AlexanderSampson (2), Moore (1), Cumberland (1); total 4 grants and 220 acres, 1790-1871
Autrey, D. S.Yancey (1); 50 acres, 1886
Autrey, ElijohOnslow (1); 63 acres, 1835
Autrey, EphraimCumberland (2); 131 acres
Autrey, HarriettYancey (1); 50 acres, 1898
Autrey, Harvey W.McDowell (4); 844 acres, 1850-1858
Autrey, J. A.McDowell (1); 100 acres, 1882
Autrey, JamesMcDowell (1); 50 acres, 1854
Autrey, James A.McDowell (2); 205 acres, 1855-1889
Autrey, James T.Union (1); 0 acres, 1856
Autrey, Jason G.McDowell (1); 33 acres, 1864
Autrey, Jason, Jr.Sampson (1); 100 acres, 1790
Autrey, JasperMcDowell (2), Yancey (1); total 3 grants and 1140 acres, 1884-1895
Autrey, JohnMcDowell (2), Cumberland (2), Sampson (1), plus 3 grants in 3 other counties; total 8 grants and 460 acres, 1793-1872
Autrey, JosephMcDowell (1); 100 acres, 1856
Autrey, Joseph P.McDowell (1); 100 acres, 1854
Autrey, JoshuaYancey (1); 50 acres, 1898
Autrey, Marshall J.Cumberland (1); 160 acres, 1873
Autrey, RachelSampson (1); 50 acres, 1790
Autrey, TheophelousSampson (1); 50 acres, 1793
Autrey, WilliamMontgomery (1); 100 acres, 1818
Autrey, William C.Burke (1); 100 acres, 1846
Autreys CreekEdgecombe (11); 3171 acres, 1761-1794
Autreys Creek TownshipPitt (1); 426 acres, 1779
Autry, AveryYancey (1); 30 acres, 1910
Autry, B. McR.Cumberland (1); 4 acres, 1899
Autry, CorneliusEdgecombe (3), Sampson (2); total 5 grants and 1863 acres, 1755-1800
Autry, DrewrySampson (1); 80 acres, 1809
Autry, EmilyMitchell (1); 30 acres, 1888
Autry, EphraimCumberland (1); 37 acres, 1841
Autry, H. A.Yancey (1); 100 acres, 1873
Autry, H. AveryYancey (1); 7 acres, 1910
Autry, H. W.McDowell (1); 100 acres, 1854
Autry, HardySampson (1); 50 acres, 1800
Autry, HarriettYancey (1); 30 acres, 1901
Autry, Harvey W.McDowell (3); 212 acres, 1863-1864
Autry, IsomSampson (3); 148 acres, 1788-1797
Autry, J. L.Sampson (1); 6 acres, 1892
Autry, J. P.Yancey (5); 404 acres, 1875-1904
Autry, JamesMoore (1); 100 acres, 1819
Autry, James A.McDowell (1); 100 acres, 1853
Autry, JasonYancey (1); 14 acres, 1901
Autry, JohnYancey (4), Sampson (2), McDowell (2), plus 3 grants in 3 other counties; total 11 grants and 825 acres, 1787-1881
Autry, John W.Yancey (1); 20 acres, 1892
Autry, Joseph P.Burke (2); 200 acres, 1841-1844
Autry, M. T.Cumberland (1); 15 acres, 1901
Autry, MarthaCumberland (1); 20 acres, 1850
Autry, RedickYancey (1); 100 acres, 1854
Autry, RedisYancey (1); 100 acres, 1863
Autry, StarlingSampson (1); 100 acres, 1797
Autry, ThomasSampson (1); 67 acres, 1845
Autry, W. L.Yancey (1); 42 acres, 1901
Autry, WilliamPitt (1); 700 acres, 1763
Auts, HenryRowan (1); 280 acres, 1755
Avenshire, RhineholtCabarrus (1); 52 acres, 1806
Avent, JamesSumner TN (1); 228 acres, 1793
Avent, JohnBrunswick (2), Bertie (1); total 3 grants and 1210 acres, 1727-1740
Avent, JosephChatham (2); 250 acres, 1780
Avent, ThomasBertie (2), Chowan (1); total 3 grants and 1340 acres, 1720-1739
Avent, W. A.Chatham (1); 4 acres, 1883
Avent, WilliamChatham (1); 54 acres, 1808
Aventon, DruryEdgecombe (1); 480 acres, 1760
Avera, AlexanderCumberland (5), Johnston (3); total 8 grants and 1290 acres, 1774-1810
Avera, Alexander, Jr.Cumberland (1); 150 acres, 1774
Avera, DanielJohnston (1); 150 acres, 1782
Avera, DavidJohnston (1); 150 acres, 1813
Avera, HenryCumberland (3); 158 acres, 1794-1841
Avera, JacobJohnston (2); 370 acres, 1778-1797
Avera, JonathanJohnston (2); 560 acres, 1778-1779
Avera, MoorJohnston (1); 80 acres
Avera, MosesJohnston (2); 350 acres, 1774-1779
Avera, RichardCumberland (1); 24 acres, 1808
Avera, SamuelJohnston (1); 200 acres, 1783
Avera, SanderJohnston (1); 42 acres, 1799
Avera, ThomasJohnston (2); 500 acres, 1778-1798
Avera, WilliamJohnston (9), Cumberland (5); total 14 grants and 2755 acres, 1774-1830
AverasboroHarnett (1); 15 acres, 1891
Averasboro TownshipHarnett (5); 101 acres, 1893-1903
Averate, SamuelGuilford (1); 200 acres, 1783
Averayte, AlexanderJohnston (1); 11 acres, 1790
Averet, JamesPitt (1); 50 acres, 1800
Averet, JohnRandolph (1); 150 acres, 1792
Averet, LewisBladen (1); 640 acres, 1782
Averet, NathanielOnslow (5); 3006 acres, 1736
Averett, ArthurOnslow (1); 200 acres, 1767
Averett, DanielBladen (1); 100 acres, 1837
Averett, DavidEdgecombe (1); 337 acres, 1754
Averett, Dempsey, Sr.Bladen (1); 50 acres, 1838
Averett, EmilyBladen (1); 3 acres, 1864
Averett, JamesBeaufort (1), Bladen (1); total 2 grants and 134 acres, 1846
Averett, JohnOnslow (1), Cumberland (1); total 2 grants and 132 acres, 1789-1875
Averett, John A.Onslow (1); 200 acres, 1834
Averett, NathanielOnslow (1); 640 acres, 1736
Averett, NoahCraven (1); 50 acres, 1850
Averett, PearceJohnston (1); 300 acres, 1812
Averett, ThomasBladen (1); 100 acres, 1782
Averett, WilliamBladen (1); 100 acres, 1784
Averhart, ChristianRowan (1); 400 acres, 1783
Averie, HenryCumberland (1); 100 acres, 1791
Averit, AlexanderJohnston (1); 525 acres, 1778
Averit, JamesPitt (1); 50 acres, 1800
Averit, JohnOnslow (1); 100 acres
Averit, NathanielOnslow (4); 2366 acres, 1736
Averitt, AbnerOnslow (1), Jones (1); total 2 grants and 300 acres, 1800-1814
Averitt, ArthurOnslow (5); 1451 acres, 1767-1782
Averitt, BenjaminOnslow (2); 250 acres, 1793-1800
Averitt, DavidBeaufort (1); 700 acres
Averitt, Dempsey, Jr.Bladen (1); 100 acres, 1837
Averitt, EnochCraven (2); 116 acres, 1844
Averitt, JamesBladen (2), Craven (1); total 3 grants and 194 acres, 1850-1858
Averitt, James ApollasPitt (1); 100 acres, 1791
Averitt, JohnBladen (3), Onslow (1), Anson (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 6 grants and 560 acres, 1756-1853
Averitt, John A.Onslow (3); 1000 acres, 1836-1855
Averitt, John, Sr.Cumberland (1), Bladen (1); total 2 grants and 45 acres, 1852-1861
Averitt, LewisBladen (1); 200 acres
Averitt, MilesBladen (1); 75 acres, 1837
Averitt, NathanielOnslow (3), Chowan (1); total 4 grants and 670 acres, 1715
Averitt, NoahCraven (1); 50 acres, 1850
Averitt, S. H.New Hanover (1); 7 acres, 1857
Averitt, SamuelGuilford (1); 108 acres, 1787
Averitt, ThomasBladen (4), Pitt (1); total 5 grants and 528 acres, 1782-1829
Averitt, WilliamPitt (2), Bladen (1); total 3 grants and 325 acres, 1782-1784
Averman, ObediahRandolph (1); 320 acres, 1785
Averrett, WilliamSumner TN (1); 640 acres, 1796
Avers, JohnDuplin (4); 670 acres, 1765-1782
Aversboro TownshipHarnett (1); 28 acres, 1893
Avery CountyMitchell (9); 377 acres, 1894-1908
Avery CreekBuncombe (70), Transylvania (1), Henderson (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 73 grants and 9576 acres, 1795-1903
Avery Creek TownshipBuncombe (5); 353 acres, 1891-1902
Avery, A. C.Burke (38); 18323 acres, 1785-1875
Avery, A. W.Craven (1); 373 acres, 1907
Avery, AlexanderCumberland (8), Johnston (2); total 10 grants and 2161 acres, 1770-1802
Avery, C. M.Burke (2); 38 acres, 1859
Avery, CreekBuncombe (1); 50 acres, 1838
Avery, EnochCraven (1); 100 acres, 1835
Avery, EstridgeDavidson TN (2); 1280 acres, 1789-1794
Avery, HenryStokes (1), Cumberland (1), Burke (1); total 3 grants and 530 acres, 1794-1808
Avery, I. T.Burke (1), Yancey (1); total 2 grants and 155 acres, 1836-1906
Avery, IsaacBurke (1); 36 acres, 1878
Avery, Isaac ThomasBuncombe (2); 1280 acres, 1805
Avery, J. T.Yancey (1); 100 acres
Avery, JacobLincoln (1); 300 acres, 1803
Avery, JamesPitt (3), Sumner TN (1), Greene TN (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 6 grants and 1518 acres, 1782-1840
Avery, JohnCraven (6), Beaufort (1), Rowan (1), plus 1 grant in 1 other county; total 9 grants and 1720 acres, 1768-1802
Avery, LauraBurke (1); 36 acres, 1878
Avery, PeterBurke (1); 57 acres, 1870
Avery, PollesPitt (1); 100 acres, 1791
Avery, RufusBurke (2); 110 acres, 1882-1889
Avery, SamuelNew Hanover (1); 150 acres, 1746
Avery, ThomasOnslow (1), Sumner TN (1); total 2 grants and 710 acres, 1788-1796
Avery, W. W.McDowell (1); 100 acres, 1844
Avery, WaighstillBuncombe (3), Rutherford (2); total 5 grants and 800 acres, 1790-1794
Avery, WaightstilRutherford (2), Burke (1); total 3 grants and 950 acres, 1789-1796
Avery, WaightstillBurke (146), Buncombe (37), Rutherford (15), plus 4 grants in 2 other counties; total 202 grants and 42338 acres, 1782-1819
Avery, WilliamCumberland (2), Davidson TN (1); total 3 grants and 795 acres, 1794-1800
Avery, William W.Cherokee (14); 2199 acres, 1848
Avery, WrightsvilleCarter TN (1); 250 acres, 1801
Averys BranchWake (2); 450 acres, 1785